Part 24~Taken

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Elijah stared at the last page of his exam. He did not know this. He winced, rubbing his scar. He shook his head, bending over his paper again. Each time his scar twinged, he winced.

Before he even knew it was going on, he was moving down a corridor he instantly recognised. It was that door. The same white light glow, filtered out the edges as in his dream.

Elijah paused as he tried the handle. Slowly, the door opened and the light overwhelms him. He stood in a huge room, filled floor to ceiling with shelves. On each shelf, there were many tiny golden orbs.

He wanted to run as he spotted Lord Morning Star standing over a man lying on the floor. The Light Lord grinned coldly as he leaned over the man. "Can you reach it? Can you take it for me, Black?"

Surrounded by Agents of the Light, Severus looked up defiantly. "I would rather die," he spat as Morning Star raised his wand. Severus screamed in agony, writhing on the floor as Elijah gasped.

"Oh, you will die. Eventually. But there are hours, even days of pain awaiting you before then." Morning Star released Severus who slumped on the floor, panting for air. "I'm going to enjoy this, Snape. I have you, and soon I shall have the weapon. And then not ever your pathetic order can stand in my way!" Morning Star's laugh echoed, in a horrible spine-chilling cackle that shook Elijah's soul.

He wanted to run to his dad but the room dissipated away. Elijah fell to the ground, clutching his scar in pure agony.

Professor Marchbanks rushed to Elijah's side. He pulled Elijah to his feet as he escorted him out of the Great hall.

Harry watched the whole thing with a mix of worry and confusion. Pressing against his forehead, he wondered why he didn't feel anything this time.

Professor Marchbanks looked over Elijah, concern on his face. "Are you all right, Snape?"

Elijah shook his head, trying to snap out of the dream. He tried to rid the image of his father writhing in agony but he couldn't.

"Pressure of exams. It happens. Take a breath, and maybe you'll be ready to go back in. Time is nearly up but-" Elijah shook his head frantically, stopping Professor Marchbanks.

"No, no, I've done all I can."

Professor Marchbanks nodded as he returned to the Great Hall. The second he was gone, Draco and Neville rushed over.

"You all right," Draco asked as Elijah shook his head again.

"Morning Star! He's got dad! In the department of Mysteries!"

Neville paled at Elijah's claim as Draco's eyes filled with worry. "How do you know?"

"I just saw it." Elijah looked out at the Hogwarts grounds before turning back to look at his friends. "How're we going to get there?"

"To the Department of Mysteries," Neville asked in confusion, sitting beside Elijah.

"We've got to do something!"

Neville rubbed circles on Elijah's back, pulling him into a sideways hug. "How's Morning Star get into the Ministry of Magic without being seen? I mean, he is the most wanted wizard in the world."

"Yeah. They can't just waltz into the Ministry of Magic," Draco added.

"It just seems so unlikely, Eli."

Elijah glared at both of them, grabbing onto Draco's robs. "I won't let my dad die!"

Skidding around the corner, Luna, Ginny, Fred and George rounded the corner.

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