Part 21~The End of Riddle

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Umbridge shoved Harry and Elijah into Dumbledore's office which was filled to the brim with people. McGonagall and Snape were quick to get to their students'- and in Snape's case, his son's- side. Cornelius Fudge, Kinsley Shacklebolt, Percy Weasley and one other Auror stood in various places around the office.

"You may be the High Inquisitor of this school, Professor Umbridge, but kindly do not manhandle my students," Riddle ordered as Snape looked over Elijah for any signs of damage.

Fudge looked pleased as he clapped his hands and rubbed them together excitedly. "Well, well, well, Mr Snape! I expect you know why you're here?"

Elijah glanced at Riddle, the headmaster shaking his head ever so slightly. "Not really, no."

"You don't? You haven't broken any school rules?"

School rules? No."

"Or Ministerial Decrees?"

"Not that I know of."

Umbridge opened the door again, leading Neville into the room. The poor boy had been crying and his face was covered in pimples that formed the words 'sneak.' "I'm afraid the poor boy is unable to speak. But I shall tell you what had transpired. Shortly after dinner he came to me and said that if I went to the Room of Requirement, I would find an illegally-formed student group. It was at that time that this hex took effect."

Elijah’s eyes widened as he looked at Neville. There was no way that was true! Neville wouldn't betray them!

Umbridge motioned to Neville's face, hiding her triumph behind a worried mask. "Since I had received information some time ago that Snape and a number of other students had met in the Hog's Head to start an illegal group-" she wasn't able to finish when Riddle spoke up.

"I'm not sure that's true, Professor."

"I'm sorry?"

"In point of fact, when young Snape met those students it was not illegal."

"But two days later, Educational Decree Twenty-Four was introduced."

"Again quite correct. However, I wonder if you have any evidence that proves this group has been meeting since then?"

"I have a witness right here!"

"Correct again. I must confess that I was, however, under the impression that this young boy only told you a meeting was going on tonight."

"Let's ask him, shall we?"

Harry shared a look with McGonagall. There was basically no point in his being here as Umbridge told the girl to shake her head for the answer. Umbridge had completely forgotten about him and he was sure that if he snuck out, she wouldn't even notice.

Umbridge smirked as she asked the first question. "Now, have there been more meetings?" Neville stared at the wall, slowly shaking his head. "What do you mean by shaking your head, boy?"

"I would think that he was saying there have been no other meetings. Would that be correct?" Neville nodded in answer to Riddle's question. Elijah let out a relieved sigh, no matter what Umbridge had done, Neville was still loyal.

"But what about Snape? He was the leader, and has been-" Umbridge couldn't even finish when Neville shook his head again. "Why are you shaking your head, boy?"

"It usually means 'no,' Dolores," McGonagall interrupted with a displeased expression.

Umbridge grabbed Neville by his cloak, shaking him roughly. Riddle stood up, anger echoing through his voice. He drew his wand, pointing it at Umbridge. "Again, I cannot have you manhandling my students, Professor Umbridge."

Strangely, Umbridge only laughed softly before she let Neville go. "My apologies, Headmaster. I forgot myself." Neville scrambled away as Elijah brought him into a hug. If the situation had been different, Snape might have separated them, but this wasn't the time.

Fudge wasn't happy. "Well, what about the meeting tonight?"

"Right. Of course. Well, we proceeded down to the Room and entered. We caught Snape just outside. He even attacked one of the students. And we've found all of their names." Umbridge pulled out the roster list as Elijah gasped in horror.

She let Fudge snatch it out of her hands as his expression became one of twisted delight. "So, Riddle, you've been behind this whole thing." Fudge handed the paper to Riddle who looked at it. Riddle's words were lost as Harry finally decided he had enough.

"It's just a study club. We're allowed to study, unless you want us to fail our exams, Professor," he scowled, slightly impressed by his quick thinking. Where was all this quick thinking when he was back at home?

"Called Riddle's Army," Fudge hissed as Harry cursed in his head. Who in all Hogwarts came up with that name!

He was about to come up with a half-decent lie when Riddle held out his hand calmly. A wide smile came to his face as he turned to Fudge. "Well, Minister. You've caught me."

"This had all been your doing! You've been recruiting students for your army!"

"Quite correct, Cornelius."

"I knew it! I knew it! You've been plotting against me all this time!"

"That's right." Riddle seemed too calm, too pleasant for what was going on.

"This is too good to be true!"

Elijah was watching in horror. "Professor, no!"

"Quiet, Elijah!"

"Yes, shut up, Elijah," Fudge ordered as Harry grabbed onto Elijah, shaking his head. "So, you'll be coming with us to the Ministry."

"Ah, yes. I was wondering when we'd hit that little snag."

"I see no snag, Riddle."

"But I do. You seem to be labouring under the delusion that I would 'come quietly.'"

"Resisting arrest, now are you, Riddle?"

"Precisely. You see, I have absolutely no intention of going to Azkaban." The Auror next to Kingsley slowly moved his hand towards his pocket as Riddle smirked. "Don't be silly. Leave the wand there." The man stopped as Fudge stepped forward.

"You would really take on two Aurors, Dolores, and myself, Riddle?"

"Naturally. All of you did rather well on your spellwork at this school, but if you attempt to take me in by force, I'm afraid I shall have to hurt you." In one swift motion, all of them drew their wands, Harry grabbed Elijah, pushing him down to cover. The desk exploded with a bang, dust filling the room as the spells continued.

As the dust settled, Harry blinked it out of his eyes. The Aurors were laying on the ground unconscious as Riddle stood unmoved. His desk was broken in half with the rest overturned. He moved swiftly to the group, a worried expression on his face.

"Are you all right?"

McGonagall dusted herself off as Snape slowly stood up again. "Yes, we're fine. Oh, where will you go, Tom?"

Riddle sighed. "I'm not going into hiding. Fudge will soon regret removing me from Hogwarts."

Elijah stood up, going to Riddle's side, filled with guilt. "I'm so sorry, Professor!" Neville said nothing, looking down guilty.

Riddle smiled as he gripped Elijah's shoulder. "It's fine. Now listen to me, Elijah. Keep studying Occlumency! Do everything Professor Snape tells you. Close your mind! You will understand, in time." A groaned from behind them causing Riddle to hurry.  "Harry, there is a book I want you to find. Study those spells, they will be your way home. Keep Elijah safe and find out what Morning Star wants with you." Riddle pushed a paper into Harry's hand who nodded. "Lay back down. They must not think we have had time to talk."

Harry pulled Elijah away, both of them getting back down to the floor as Snape followed. Neville hesitated, the guilt pooling in his stomach as he laid down. As Fudge opened his eyes, Riddle grabbed onto Nagini's head and apparated away.

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