Part 31~Truth

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Harry cautiously pushed open the door. Elijah was sitting up on the bed, his legs pulled to his chest. The last few hours had been a bit of a rush. Riddle had forced Harry away, promising to talk after he had calmed down Elijah.

Honestly, Harry got it, this was Elijah's world. He was the one who just got possessed and lost his Godfather. That all did not change the fact he really needed to talk to Elijah.

"Get out!" Elijah glared at Harry who sighed.

"Listen, I'll go if you want. I'm actually leaving soon anyway."

"Wait, what?!"

Smiling, Harry sat on the edge of the bed. "Yeah. The second Riddle has the MGCs for my home, I'll be shipped back to where I came from."

"MGCs?" Harry jumped as Lily pulled up a chair. She had a confused expression on her face.

Harry hid his face, twiddling with his fingers as Snape walked over. "Harry, it's time Elijah knows who you are."

"But, what about the deal?" Shock, Harry looked at Snape who sighed.

"It's okay. It's time for him to know."

Elijah shared a look with Lily as they looked between Snape and Harry. Harry sighed, rubbing his eyes as he brought his knees to his chest. "Fine. I'm not from around here."

"Obviously." Elijah shot Harry a glare as Harry sighed heavily.

"What I mean, is I don't come from this world. I come from a different world. Where Riddle is a very bad guy called Lord Voldemort and me and my friends have to try stopping him. Dumbledore is the headmaster of the school and Snape hates me... a lot."

Snape gave Harry a disappointed glare. "You did not need to say that."

"It's true though. You saw it for yourself. You hate me."

"We never did work out why though."

"Yeah, maybe after I've gotten home, I'll ask him and report back. I already have your MGCs so I can send you letters... hopefully. I've never actually succeeded." Harry let out a laugh as Elijah shook his head.

"So all that stuff you said to James was because..."

"He is my dad. But in my world, he wasn't evil."

Elijah was clearly having a hard time processing this as he shook his head again. "Who's your mum? Who on Earth did James like?"

"Oh- Ummm..." Harry gave an awkward look to Lily as he chewed his lip. "Well, she's dead too. She was a Gryffindor with a noble heart. She died protecting me." Snape nodded, saying it was okay as Harry finished. "Her name was Lily nee Evans."

Lily's eyes widened as she looked between Harry and Snape. "Wait! You're my son from a different universe."

"Yeah... basically."

"Wow, no wonder you reacted so badly when you first saw me."

Harry let out a small chuckle, a slight blush covering his cheeks. "Yeah, sorry about that. If it helps, I also freaked out a little from James. Plus seeing Remus act all evil was way too weird for me. I much prefer the professor I know." Harry looked away, scratching the back of his neck.

"You're my son..."

"Well, not really. I come from a different world so-" Harry couldn't' finish as Lily pulled him into a tight hug.

"I don't care. You're my son now, for as long as we both live."

Harry let out a content sigh, leaning against Lily as Snape joined the hug. Even after the year had passed since coming here, it was still weird to see Snape this kind.

"I'm not sure if I'm following," Elijah announced, running a hand through his hair. "Why were you able to see my visions?"

Harry pulled away, smiling slightly. "That's because I'm the boy who lived in my world. We- well, Riddle and I- believe my connection with Morning Star was caused because I am an alternative version of you."

Elijah blinked, leaning forward. "I don't think I can do this. You're an alternative version of me? How does that even work?!"

"If it is better, you can think of me as a brother you never had. If you don't hate me anymore that is. It will be kinda cool to be able to talk to someone about all the stress of being a boy who lived. Judged by everyone and hated by the Ministry." Harry shuffled a little closer, a sigh expression on his face.

"I would like that..." Elijah jumped forward, wrapping Harry in a hug.

Lily smiled proudly at her son and new son. She was glad Elijah wasn't angry any more. And she was glad that even though Elijah might feel like he is alone, he will never feel that again.

Elijah didn't want to wake. Everything felt heavy and he was still confused.

"Eli? Hey, how are you feeling?"

Elijah groaned in response as he heard a light chuckle. He could feel someone holding his hand and rubbing circles on the back of it. "Neville?"

"Yeah... you didn't answer me."

"I'm... tired and confused. Did Harry tell you?"

"About who he is and where he came from. Yeah. Luna already knew and I think the twins were insulted that he didn't tell them but overall I don't think anyone tried to kill him."

Elijah laughed a little as he rolled over to look at Neville. "And you? What do you think about my new brother?"

Neville hummed, hesitating before he chose his words. "You could have done a lot worse. At least he's pretty loyal and he understands you. Plus all he seems to want is to keep you safe."

"Because my dad made him promise to look after me in exchange for information."

"He still did try to keep you safe."

"If you say so."

Neville sighed as he brushed away Elijah's ginger locks. "I do. Besides, it doesn't matter. Harry is leaving."

"I know..."

"No, he's leaving, like in an hour. He's packing right now."

Elijah jolted up. "Wait what?!" Elijah climbed out of bed, frantically looking around. "I'm not letting him go without saying goodbye."

Neville chuckled a little. "Are you sure you're a Slytherin? You're not that subtle."

Elijah hit Neville over the head with a pillow. "Don't judge me! Help me!"

Harry sat with Luna, talking about the veil. He sat with a bag at his side and Riddle in front of him.

"Are you ready?"

Harry sighed, taking a deep breath and standing up. "Yeah. As ready as I'll ever be."

"Now remember, you need to go back to the beginning of the year. No one can see you arrive at either point and you need to make sure you haven't seen anything of the world you enter."

Harry nodded at Riddle's information, fiddling with the time turner. This was risky. To go back time so far could cause serious damage but hopefully, as Harry wasn't there originally, it should be fine. If not, he has a nice world to escape to.

"Harry, I want you to do something for me." Lily walked forward, holding a letter in her hand. Harry gently took the letter from her hand, nodding as he pocketed the paper.

"Find the book and make sure you only send letters after this date. We don't want to mess with the timeline." Riddle patted Harry on the head as he drew his wand. "Time for you to go home."

Harry closed his eyes, readying himself for the trip.

"Wait!" Elijah jumped down, breathing heavily as Neville ran behind him. "You better write! You hear me! We need to plan together! And you better make sure you use this year to make the best decisions."

"Yeah... You stay safe too." Harry parted, stepping back as Riddle waved his wand. "Goodbye Eli. I'll see you on the other side."

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