Part 3~Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations

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Tapping his fingers impatiently, Harry waited for Unbridge to show up. He were in DADA, which was his favourite subject until DADA came at him in real life. Now- while it was Harry's best- he hated it with a passion. The useless subject did not teach enough spells for one to defend themself properly and the best DADA teacher he had turned out to be a Death Eater and tried to kill him. 

He wondered what Umbridge would be like, she didn't look like the type to be standing up there with a wand in hand defending herself against a Boggert like Lupin did. 

Seamus jumped out of his skin when the doors promptly opened. Umbridge walked up to the front and spun to look at us. "Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations, O.W.Ls. More commonly known as OWLS. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences may be severe. Your defense Against the Dark Arts education has been rather fragmented and disjointed in your past classes, hasn't it? Know now that this is about to be rectified. I will be following a pre-approved Ministry-prepared theory-centered Defense lesson plan."

Umbridge turned to the blackboard, waving her wand to write down her notes. "Copy this down," she ordered as everyone scrambled to get out their books.

Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes. This was going to be so helpful. 

Elijah put up his hand, Nevile attempting to get him to put it down. Umbridge ignored them but as everyone was watching the Slytherin she was forced to acknowledge them. "Yes?"

"I wanted to know something about your course aims," Elijah stated bluntly.

"Well, they should be perfectly self-evident."

"Well, I don't think they are." Elijah was brave, Harry would give him that. The Slytherin was staring up to the pink lady. "They say nothing about actually doing spells."

Umbridge started laughing. She was starting to get on Harry's nerves. "I can imagine no circumstance in my class where you would need to use spells, my dear!"

"But surely the whole point of Defence against the dark arts is practical application?"

"Mr Snape, this class has been approved by Ministry experts. Are you a ministry Expert?"

No, but-" Elijah couldn't finish when Umbridge spoke up again.

"Then you have no business challenging those who are. We will be learning about spells in a safe, risk-free environment-" Elijah wasn't putting up with Umbridge's speech as he took back control over the conversation.

"But we've got O.W.L.s coming up! You expect us to do the spells with no practice?"

Deciding he had spent enough time without speaking, Harry spoke up himself. "What good's theory in the real world?"

"This is school, not the real world, Mr Potter. There is nothing out there waiting to get you."

Harry let out a barking laugh Sirius would be proud of. "Want to say that to Fleur?! Or Viktor?! Or..." Harry trailed off, his mind drifting to Cedric. To the older boy dying in front of him.

Elijah noticed that Harry wasn't going to speak up and took back the lead. "What about Lord Dumbledor?"

Harry looked up at the name of his old Headmaster. Elijah was talking about him like he was evil... Was he evil here? 

The rest of the class flinched at the name but Elijah didn't look bothered. 

"Ten points from Slytherin, Mr Snape. Let me set the record straight." Umbridge stood up from behind her desk, leaning on her knuckles. "Some of you have been told that a certain dead wizard has returned. This is a lie."

Elijah stood up, knocking his books off his desk and to the floor. His expression was one of pure fury I had only seen once before. "It is not a lie!"

"Mr. Snape, you have just landed yourself in detention!"

Elijah was trembling, he moved around his desk stiffly a dangerous aura surrounding him. "So, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own choice? Or are you calling me a murder?"

Harry stared wide-eyed at Elijah. Cedric... Cedric had died in front of Elijah. That meant he was in the tri-wizard. Most likely there instead of him. Someone else had to go through that. Someone else was dealing with the aftermath. Harry couldn't help but wonder if Elijah also got nightmares.

"The boy's death was a tragic accident."

Both Harry and Elijah looked murderous, both shot up. Harry pushed his chair to the floor while Elijah slammed his fist on the table. "It was murder," they both screamed together, shocking the class into a deadly silence. 

"Harry, mate, calm down will ya," Seamus hissed into Harry's ear, trying to pull him back down.

"I saw it happen," Elijah whispered but everyone heard it. 

"Mr Snape, Mr Potter, you have earned yourself a week's worth of detention!"

Harry rolled his eyes, not like he was planning on staying here. "Yeah, talk to someone who cares."

"Dumbledore killed Cedric, and you know it," Elijah stated before sitting down.

Harry picked up his chair before slumping down. 

Umbridge brought out his quill and scribbled down a note, putting one in front of Harry and holding the other out to Elijah. "Mr Potter, give that to Professor McGonagal. Mr Snape, give that to Professor Snape. I'm sure your father will love to here about how you've been behaving."

Elijah ripped the paper out from Umbridge's hand before glaring at her and promptly leaving the room, half dragging Harry behind him.

Halfway down the corridor, Elijah took in a deep breath. "You didn't have to do that. Now you'll be school enemy number two."

Harry let out a bitter laugh, "yeah but still better than being school enemy number one." 

Harry gave a smile to the other boy who laughed. "Yeah, guess so." Elijah looked at the slip in his hand, almost wishing it to disappear.

"So, Snape is your dad?"

"Yeah... He's going to kill me."

"Yeah. You're dead." Harry gave a smile before walking off towards McGonagall's office, leaving behind a confused Elijah who just realised, Harry had yet to meet Snape outside the sorting ceremony. There was no way he formed an opinion that quickly. shaking his head, Elijah went to the dreaded meeting with his father.

Harry knocked on the door and waited to be directed in by his head of house. McGonagall took the note and frowned. "Is this true? Did you shout at Professor Umbridge?"

"Yeah. But in my defense, she was being stupid and denying Lord Vol- Dumbledore's return." Harry corrected himself, may as well get used to it. 

"You stupid boy! Do you use your common sense! Umbridge is reporting directly to Fudge. She is here to... interfere... with Riddle. And things could get much worse, trust me." McGonagall took a deep breath, Harry looking at her as if she had a lion head. He had never heard her scream at a student. It was weird but oddly... legendary? "Use cation, always, Potter. You are known here and she can chew you out quicker. It doesn't help that you are in my house, we haven't got the best reputation and you are playing with fire. Do not mess with Dolorus Umbridge, she is dangerous. If you get too deep into trouble, we may not be able to help you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Professor."

"Good. Off you go."

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