Part 16~Gifts and Lectures

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Harry was silent as he peered around the door frame.

"Oh, Harry, you're awake!" Lily smiled at Harry who jumped like a scared cat. The loud chatter that had surrounded the dining room had quieted down as Harry shifted self-consciously.

"Um... Yeah... Sorry about earlier." Harry scratched the back of his head as Lily grabbed him.

"Nonsense. All is forgotten. We're just about to have dinner." Lily pushed Harry into a seat next to Luna and Ron. Harry was just glad he wasn't opposite of any of the Snapes. He wasn't sure if he was mentally stable enough for that yet. Ms Weasley served dinner, carving up the turkey as the chatter returned.

"Alright everyone, time for presents." Molly brought out various colourful packages, handing them out. Fred and George rolled their eyes as they swapped gifts. Ginny thanked her mother as Ron gave an awkward glance to the package. 

"I thought you did presents earlier," Harry said while watching the family.

"Oh don't be so ridiculous. We wouldn't do that without you. Here you go Harry, Luna."

Harry's eyes widened as Luna took the packages from Molly's hands. Harry tilted his head. In his own world, he wouldn't question the gift, but this Molly didn't know him. "Thank you but why did you do this?"

"Well, because you're a part of the family now."

"Yeah, Ron's told us so much about you, it's like we've already met you," Ginny Smirked as Bon blushed in embarrassment, looking away. Harry chuckled a little, this the Christmas he preferred. 

Pulling open the wrapping paper, Harry smiled at the long scarf.

"I wasn't sure what you liked or your sizes or your prefered colours." Molly shuffled around nervously as Harry smiled.

The scarf was too long. The scarf was a horrid brown maroon colour. The scarf was scratchy and rubbed against his skin. The scarf was perfect. "No, this is great. Thank you." Harry smiled as he wrapped the scarf around him. It was like being back at the burrow. Luna smiled herself as she pulled on the light blue hat. Molly seemed pleased as she sat back down and watched the rest of the children pull open their gifts. Yeah, this was just like being back at the burrow.

Harry hummed a small Christmas tune under his breath as he wrote in his notebook. He twisted the scarf in his fingers and he couldn't stop smiling. He looked up at the knocking on his door. Riddle pushed open the door as he walked in. "Evening Harry. I was wondering if we could talk."

"Of course Headmaster."

"Harry, I think it will be wise to tell Snape about who you are." 

Harry shot up, looking at Riddle as if he was crazy. "You've got to be joking! What part of 'Snape hated me in my world' didn't you understand. Snape and I never got along and I would prefer not to remind this Snape of the reasons why." Harry crossed his arms over his chest, clearly not pleased.

Riddle sighed. He had a feeling Harry would react like this. "I do not ask you to do this for our safety but rather yours. You and Elijah share a link with the light lord. It will be wise to have you take Occlumency. It will help you defend your mind against the Light Lord. Elijah has already agreed but I believe you should as well."

"I don't think that will be wise. Even if he does agree to help me, there are some things in my memories I don't believe he wants or should see." Harry's mind instantly went back that night. He hated seeing his mother die over and over and somehow he didn't think Snape would react well to that either. Not to mention all the lessons he spent with Snape would be brought up again. Not to mention the vast number of times he blamed Snape for something.

"It would be less wise to let the Light Lord wander around in your mind. We still don't know his reason for bringing you here, it will be dangerous to just let whatever plan he has continue. We can make Snape swear on his magic to not reveal any information and if things take a turn for the worse, we can always erase his memories."

"I'm still not sure." 


Harry and Riddle shot up as they looked at the door. Riddle brought out his wand but when he looked past the door frame, no one was there. "We should discuss this later. Think over my words Harry. As we do not know what is happening in your world, it might be wise for you to learn this anyway. Your connection to the Light Lord might not just be limited to this world." Riddle walked away as Harry fell back on his bed. Harry pulled the scarf up to hid in it as he thought over everything. The parselmouth words bounced in his head. What was happening in his world? Harry felt a clawing anxiety rise in his stomach. 

If he didn't return, would Voldemort win? What was happening in his world? Were they looking for him? Had they given up by now? Just assumed that he was killed by Death Eaters. Oh gosh, Sirius will be broken. Harry had to find a way back and right now, Riddle was his best chance. He'll just have to play along for now. Even if that means letting Snape into his mind.

Riddle knocked on the wooden door. He could hear whispering from the other side of the door as Elijah pulled open the door. Fred and George sat on their beds as they watched Riddle with too innocent expressions.

"How can we help you, headmaster?"

Riddle smiled as he looked into Elijah's eyes. "I know you listened to Harry and my conversation. I just want a little chat in case you misheard anything."

Elijah's eyes widened as he tried to close the door. "Nope. I didn't listen in and I didn't mishear anything but I should be going to bed. Goodnight Headmaster."

"Elijah." Riddle stopped the door closing, a kind smile on his face. "That's not your room."

Elijah blushed as he ducked around Riddle. "O-oh, you're right. I'll just be going then. Bye." 

Riddle watched Elijah run off with a sigh. He closed the door as he apparated away. Elijah might make things a bit more difficult but the plan hasn't changed. Harry and Elijah will learn to defend themselves and he will stop The Light Lord from ever finding the rest of that prophecy. 

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