Part 29~Not My Family

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Elijah didn't want to let Neville go as he watched Hermione pull him onto her back. Elijah wanted to hold Neville and keep him safe from harm but he couldn't. Hermione was right, he needed to fight.

Harry cautiously walked into the room of doors. The X's Luna left had long since faded and he had no idea where they were going. "Which way?"

Elijah shook his head. "Shouldn't you know as you're the one who went running off?"

Glaring, Harry ignored Elijah. It was going to take some time before Elijah didn't hate him but he could understand that. Spinning, Harry turned around, watching Luna, Ginny, Draco and Ron stumbled out of a nearby door. Ron was struggling to walk, leaning on Draco and Ginny to stop him from falling over. Luna hopped by their side, leaning on Ginny.

"What happened?" Harry was over in a second, taking Luna from Ginny who was more than glad to take a rest.

"I think my ankle is broken," Luna announced as she looked at Ron. "And somebody hit Ron with a weird spell..."

Ron let out a strange laugh, giggling. "Hiyya, Harry. You look funny..." He laughed again as Elijah rushed over.

"We need to get out of here."

Banging open, five Agents emerged from yet another door.

"There they are!" James crackled as stunning spells rained all around them. Harry is blasted off his feet, causing Luna to tumble to the floor. Elijah tried to dodge out the way, he didn't want to leave them behind but something hit his back and he went flying through the door. Harry cursed in his head as he lowered his wand. He leaned up, pushing himself onto his knees. Hermione was hit, sending her and Neville to the ground as Harry threw the prophecy. The last thing Harry saw was James standing over him.

Elijah and Ginny stagger into the room. Ginny didn't get long as she was hit and fell to the side. Elijah couldn't regain his balance as he tumbled into the bottom of the chamber, coming face to face with the veil. The prophecy rolled to his side, cushioned by Harry's spell. He gently picked it up as doors all around him burst open, agents entering and surrounding him.

Elijah pushed himself up, holding his wand weakly in his hand. Blood trickled out his mouth and down his chin.

Remus shoved his way towards Elijah. "Your race is run, Snape! Hand it over."

Elijah looked for any way out, his frantic glances showed nowhere to go. "Let my friends go and I will."

James and the other Agents entered with Elijah's friends- and Harry- in toe. Remus smirked. "You are not in a position to negotiate."

Hermione struggled against the Agent holding him. "Don't do it, Elijah! Don't!"

"Stop Hermione!" Elijah held up his hands, a sad expression on his face as Neville groaned, waking up deliriously.

James cackled in glee. "Oh, look who it is! Neville Longbottom! My dear boy, I paid your parents a visit a long time ago. We had such a time!"

Elijah's eyes widened. "You're the one who put them in St. Mungos!" Elijah's shout only seemed to bring joy to James.

"So, Snape. Give us the Prophecy or I'll see how long it takes to crack Longbottom like his parents." Jame cast a spell over Neville, snapping him into focus.

"Don't give it to them," Hermione shouted again as Elijah locked eyes with Neville. The poor boy was confused and didn't know what was happening as James raised his wand.

He howled in pain as the curse washed over him. Curling into a ball, Neville screamed at the top of his lungs. Elijah's eyes widened in fear as he watched.

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