Part 18~Snape

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Harry sighed as he sat in front of Snape. He could feel the disapproving glare radiating off the teacher. Ah, it was just like being back in his own universe. 

"So, Riddle told me that you have some information regarding my son and the night you started speaking parselmouth." 

Freezing, Harry looked up. "He didn't tell you himself?"

"No. He said it would be better if you did it."

"Right. Give me a second. Riddle! You Traitor! How dare you not tell him! Alright, I'm good. Riddle told you nothing? Great." Harry took a deep breath before turning to look at Snape. "Right, this is going to be the stupidest thing I've ever done and done a lot of stupid things. However, I come from a different universe where I'm the boy who lived and you hate me for some reason. And I'm connected to an evil wizard called Lord Voldemort or the Dark Lord who was Tom Riddle in his youth." Snape froze as Harry crossed his arms. "You can check my memories, as this is the purpose of being here anyway."

Snape nodded, drawing his wand and pointing it at Harry. "I want you to defend yourself against me."

"If you say so." 

"Legilimens" Snape delved inside Harry's mind. He searched every memory, pulling at strands to go deeper. Harry's time with the Dursleys. First meeting Hagrid. His time at Hogwarts. Cedric. The door. Voldemort. Sirius. Dementors. Lily.

Harry pushed out, firing a spell at Snape. Snape dodged the spell, looking at Harry as he fell to his knees. Harry gasped as he tried to catch his breath. 

"Lily... why was Lily in your memories? That green light... The killing curse! What happened to Lily in your world?!"

Harry sighed, rubbing his eyes. "She's dead. That was the night she died."

"And the dementors?"

"Third year, Sirius had been fighting Lupin who had transformed into a werewolf. Dementors came to attack him but I saved him with Hermione."

Snape's eyes darkened as he lowered his head. "And Cedric?"

"Another death. Voldemort came back from the dead and killed him during the Triwizard tournament. Are you alright?"

"This is what Elijah went through..."

"Well, not quite. Riddle said that while the events were almost identical, they were not quite the same. For example, when Elijah was in the chamber of secrets with Draco, they were aided by Nagini while I was helped by Fawks. Basically, any time Riddle and Dumbledore had any influence on our day, there will be slight changes. Plus as I'm a parselmouth, I got a lot of backlash in my second year that Elijah didn't have to deal with." Harry clambered to his feet, brushing the dust off as he took a deep breath. "Now, the point of this is to train against Legilimens so can we continue with the lesson?"

Snape nodded, aiming his wand again. "Well, you should try to repel me with your mind. Clear your mind. Abandon your emotions. Legilimens!"

Harry fell as Snape invaded. He saw the small boy peering out of the cupboard to look at Vernon who was nailing the letterbox closed. He saw the boy talking to Dumbledore in the hospital wing. He saw the boy in class as he stood above him, sneering and belittling Harry. Snape could hardly believe his eyes. Harry's version of Snape was bitter and harsh and unfair. That wasn't him.

The memory changed again but this time it was different. The only issue was Snape couldn't work out why. Harry skidded to a stop, looking down a dark hallway. Mr Weasley stopped as well, glancing back at Harry.

"Come on, Harry!" Mr Weasley tried to drag Harry away but Harry didn't care about his efforts.

"I've been there before..."

Mr Weasley glanced at the door nervously. He grabbed Harry's robes, dragging him along behind him. "Now, Harry, I find that highly unlikely..."

Snape broke the spell, lowering his wand as Harry staggered away with a stunned expression. "What was that?"

"I've just realized..." Harry ran his fingers through his hair as Snape stared at him. "What's in the Department of Mysteries, sir?" Harry locked eyes with Snape, his eyes looking through his hair. There was a stunned silence as Snape turned away.

"What did you say?"

"That corridor, I've been dreaming about it for months... it leads to the Department of Mysteries, I'm sure of it."

Snape walked away, deathly quiet. Harry knew this wasn't a good sign. "There are many things in the Department of Mysteries, Potter, none of which concern you."

"Would you prefer Elijah asked you? If I've been dreaming about that door, then I'm sure Elijah has as well. The only difference is I doubt Elijah has actually seen the door in person. If you don't want me telling him where that door is, tell me what's in the Department of Mysteries."

Snape didn't answer right away as he sighed. "Very well. There is something in the Department of Mysteries. Something the Light Lord has been trying to get for years."

Harry's eyes widened in anticipation. This will be the first time any adult has willingly told him about something. This was a big moment. Of course, it was ruined. 

The horrifying screams echoed through the castle. Harry and Snape shot up, looking at the ceiling. Snape glanced at Harry before he swept away from the office. Harry wasn't going to be left behind as he followed after Snape. 

Students crowded the stairs that lead into the entry hall. The wailing continued to screech out the hall. Harry pushed his way through the crowd, bursting out the other side as he caught sight of Trelawney standing at the bottom of the stairs. She looked crazed as she turned in circles, her wand out and clutched in her hand. "You cannot sack me!"

Umbridge walked out with that condescending smirk on her face. "I can do whatever I wish!"

"This is my home!"

Umbridge grinned evilly as she spoke. "Not anymore." She pointed at the door with her stubby finger walked closer to Trelawney. "Now remove yourself from this castle!"

"She will not be leaving!" The crowd parted behind Umbridge as Riddle stormed down the steps.

Umbridge was not pleased with Riddle's announcement but she wasn't giving up. "I have the authority, Headmaster!" 

"Oh, I agree with you, Professor Umbridge. You do have the power to dismiss my teachers. However," he looked at Trelawney who was smiling through her tears. "You cannot send them from this castle. That is still my decision. Professor Trelawney will remain here."

Umbridge was no longer calm. She was pissed. "And what of her quarters when I appoint a new teacher."

"Happily, that will not be necessary. I have found a successor for good Professor Trelawney already. As you know the ministry can only appoint new teachers if I cannot find one. I think you will find him suitable enough."

The doors leading to the ground swung open, an ebony-skinned centaur stood in the entrance. Harry's eyes widened, it was Firenze. That was the centaur who saved him in first year... well, probably saved Elijah in this world.

"This is Firenze." 

Well, that shut up Umbridge.

Harry walked down the corridor when he heard his name. "Potter, if you want to know what's in the Department of Mysteries, I will tell you..."

Smiling, Harry spun. "I had a feeling you would."

"I have on condition though."

"Of course. I wouldn't expect anything else from a Slytherin." 

"Keep Elijah away from the truth. I will tell you everything if you keep him in the dark about what's really going on this year."

Chewing on his tongue, Harry thought over the offer. Who knew how horrible it was to be kept in the dark but then again, not many people knew the truth anyway. "Alright. I'll make sure Elijah is kept away from the truth if you tell me what the Light Lord is after."

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