Chapter 15

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Diana walked down the twisted lanes of Downtown Metropolis in a long trench coat and boots. She knew the place like the back of her hand. She often volunteered to patrol the cities when Bruce and Clark were busy. Bruce was adamant at first, but there was nothing that Selina could not make him do. Being alone was almost a hobby for her.

Ever since Perci came, she was rarely alone. Not that she hated Perci, she actually found her presence...well..sorta entertaining .

She reached a small rundown bar in front of the mentioned address

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She reached a small rundown bar in front of the mentioned address. It was strange that this place was still open this late at night. From what she remembered, there was no such shop here. She went inside and thought about having a drink before the meeting. She went in and sat on a wooden stool inside.

She noticed that the place was completely empty. There was not a soul there, including the bartender. She saw a tiny bell and ringed it. A well built man who looked like he was around 50, walked to her. Looking at the place, wine didn't seem like an option. The old man smiled warmly at her. She smiled back politely. "Margarita." The man grinned at the glass he had picked up for her. "Lost taste in the usual wine?" Diana looked up from her hands, surprised."Excuse me....?" Diana questioned. The man looked up at her and that was when she noticed his sea green eyes, mirroring Perci's. Diana went down on her knee and bowed her head as quickly as she could without breaking character . "My Lord." she addressed him seriously. The man chuckled. "No need for the formalities dear. Please get up." She got up and saw him standing in front of her with two pints of margarita.

She hesitantly took it and stood there. Poseidon sighed. "I see you are training my daughter. She has grown up so much, hasn't she?"

"Yes....she is one of  the best pupil i have ever taught sir...strong, fierce, smart...." she smiled slightly, looking into her drink. 

Poseidon smiled proudly, sipping his drink. "My girl....and you me Uncle...sir sounds weird." 

"Yes si-- Uncle."

"You know I didn't call you for this..." Diana nodded. 

" are about to go in, isn't what you think. I cannot reveal anything else to you, except the future of all gods, demigods and other beings of magic is dependent on this war.You and  Perci will have to win this....or all will be lost."

He sighed as is preparing for something.

"You know child, that Perci is not ready yet. But i need to tell you something. I've already lost so much of my family....i cannot lose anymore...."

"I will protect your daughter with my life." Diana cut in...she couldn't imagine losing her...She would lose herself too...

"I know you will...and I'm thankful for that...But in case anything goes south...for any of you, there's something that will help you." He placed a hand on her shoulder, a grim expression on his face. 

"Do you remember the small oath your mother taught you?" Diana nodded. 

"Perci knows it too..but not what it can do. When in need, say it. Me and the others will have your back."

He sighed. "I have heard from my sources that in this mission, the Godkiller will be at the highest risk....and we need the Godkiller for our victory. careful." Diana nodded, slowly taking in everything.

"I have a request to make, dear." Poseidon said in a low voice. 

"Yes, Uncle?"

"Does she know about the Godkiller?" Diana shook her head

"Please don't tell her about the risks...she will not want to fight ..."

Diana gave a thoughtful sigh. He was right...if Perci came to know about the risks, she would give up even before the war started. She couldn't let that happen. The fate of the God Sphere was in Perci's hands. She had to matter what it cost. Diana raised her head resolutely.

"I swear I won't breath a word about it uncle. She will fight...more powerful than ever...I will ensure that..." 

Diana saw Poseidon smile tiredly at her. Diana bowed her head slightly in respect. A huge pair of arms wrapped themselves around her, taking her by surprise. This much display of affection was rare from the gods." I will see you soon my niece. Take care of my daughter."

Diana nodded vigorously. This was the first time she had experienced affection from her father's side ....not even her own father had done anything other that give her orders or criticized her for her choices. She wasn't going to disappoint Poseidon.

'''''''''''''''' keyboard's broken and  im literally typing with an on-screen one...Who does that?

Anyway ...i may take extra time to update  coz this thing is so damn SLOW

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