Chapter 4

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To take her mind off her past, Perci walked down the hallway and entered the kitchen, where she saw Diana sitting with a half empty glass of red wine and a bottle. She was typing something on the laptop on the table. 

"Hope you are now refreshed, Persephone...I may need some answers from you." She said without looking up from the laptop.

"Perci is fine...and yes, thank you. I too have a few questions for you,"

She nodded slightly. After that she finally peeled her eyes from the screen and looked at Perci.

She took in the woman's appearance. She had a chiseled face, long dark hair and slightly muscular arms. Also she was a good 4 inches taller than Perci. But the thing that stood out the most about her were her eyes. Her face looked like she was in her early thirties. Her eyes were a different story...they looked like they held the knowledge of centuries..they were a dark shade of brown and looked hollow and expressive at the same time. She looked intimidating to say the least.

"Alright, so your father Poseidon, sent you here?" Diana asked while occasionally taking sips from the glass of wine.

Perci nodded. 

"Because he said a war was near?"

Perci nodded.

"He said i needed to find you....that you are a ...part of this...they need your help."

She noticed Diana's eyes turning a shade darker. She bit her lips and swallowed...

"How does he know that the 'one' you are looking for is me? What if its someone else?"

Perci opened her mouth and then closed it again. She had no answer to that.

"I...don't know...but you have to do something....just have a little faith..."

"You should know that i severed ties with them long ago."

Diana got up from the table and picked another bottle of wine from the cabinet. Perci noticed she had already finished the first bottle. 

"Well...just this last time. Train me. I need your help or i will be dead. I too want nothing to do with the gods. They said they won't ever ask for anything from me. It could be the same for you....."

Perci gulped. It would be difficult talking her into this. But she needed her. She knew it wasn't going to end well, but she had to do this. For her father....


 A/n: I see this chapter was pretty boring. The next one will be a lil more interesting in hope. A random idea popped into my head. What if instead of just one book i make a trilogy sorta? (I have it in my head, mostly) What do you guys say?

plus, my school will soon reopen. They literally suck the life outta you. I am a 9th grader and have to maintain my rank. I won't stop writing but i may slow down my pace. But i assure you I will be baaackkkk.

PS I already have many chapters ready just waiting to publish them. As much as i want to, i can't publish them all togetherrr

anyways, see ya later...xoxo  

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