Chapter 14

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Somewhere far away from Metropolis.

The two hooded figures walked down a dark alley in Manhattan. They stopped before a large metal shutter and pushed it open with a snap of their fingers.

The shutter revealed a bearded figure clad in a black suit and tie. He stood in the center of the warehouse and looked at the figures with authority. The two figures kneeled in front of him.

"My lord."

"How is she?"

"Just like you wanted her to be sir. Strong, powerful, wise....a true warrior..." one of the two figures said.

"Perfect to be the Protector of Olympus..." the other figure smiled.

The person in the suit nodded and smiled proudly, his face darkening. 


Diana slowly opened her eyes, consciousness gradually overtaking her. She looked around and blinked. The place looked like her house....the couch maybe....? She looked at the curtains. Warm sunlight was streaming in and assaulting her eyes. 

She jolted awake, realizing that she had slept in. She looked down at her clothes. She was still in her armor, which was covered in soot. Apparently, she also had a blanket wrapped around herself. Perci must have done that. She groaned inwardly, she sooo needed a nice bubble bath. 

She got up from the bed and pushed the curatins completely open. Outside, in the garden/driveway, Perci was slicing open a dummy with a spear. Getting awkward glances by people was not a problem at her house. It was practically isolated- on a hill overlooking the city. 

Diana opened the sliding door. Perci halted and smiled. "Morning sunshine."

"Hmph....its 9 already...why didn't you wake me up?" She replied, scrunching her eyes due to the brightness and pushing a hand through her hair. 

" looked like you could use some extra sleep..."

"Whatever....the fire was huge...I'm gonna go and have a nice bath. Behave."

Perci nodded and got back to her training. Diana walked over to her bathroom. She changed from her armor to a long t shirt. She turned on the tap and waited for the tub to fill, cleaning and polishing her armor till then. 

A few minutes later, she heard a tiny 'plop' coming from the tub. She yanked her sword from the armor and jerked her head back in less than a second. What she saw next, left her open mouthed. 

It was...a person...made of bigger than her palm standing on the water. She moved closer. The tiny person suddenly spoke in a squeaky voice, "Morning. I'm Tiri. Lord Poseidon has a message for you." Diana recognized the person as one of the servants of the Lord of the Seas.

Tiri took out a tiny pouch from the bag slung on its waist and dropped the contents in the water under it. The water swirled slightly before rising and forming words in the air.

'Meet me at midnight. Downtown Metropolis, in front of No. 43.'

Diana watched intrigued. Poseidon was one of the very few gods she still respected. She had met him only once. At that time he had no daughter. Why was he calling her? 

She nodded to the nymph as she walked away near the drain. "Oh! And yes, you can still use the water..." Saying that she disappeared down the drain. 

Diana sighed. After leaving a shiny armor on the bed in her room, she slipped out of her t shirt and made herself comfortable in the hot water. Closing her eyes and resting her head back, she let the world slip for a while. 

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