Chapter 10

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Diana pushed opened the door of her car and stepped out; plastering a smile on her face. She pulled her coat closer to herself. She walked down carpet laid for the guests, greeted by the hosts, reporters and other guests. 

On entering the main hall, she picked up a flute of champagne and busied herself in the exhibits. All she had to do was get through these 3 hours. Just keep a smile, greet people, keep drinking, act like you're drunk then get out of this mess. 

She walked around the exhibits, some genuine and some fake. The museum was nice. So were the people who owned it. She had already met the owner, Arnold Garcia. He was pretty passionate about collecting stuff. 

Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by someone behind her calling her name. She turned to see the chief archivist, Timothy Davis, excitedly facing her. She smiled at him. He told her about their latest find, a Mesopotamian ruler's amulet. He led her to a glass case with a dust artifact. She didn't notice it when he left, nor that this was her 11th glass of champagne. 

She stared intently at the artifact, trying to figure out how did it look without the details worn out. Being an antiques dealer, she had an interest in these items. She had traded with billionares in Gotham, Metroplis and many other cities. But she mostly stayed at the Louvre, buying excavated antiques for the museum.

Her study of the amulet was cut short by the sound of someone clearing their throat behind her. She turned around to see a young man probably in his early thirties looking back at her with lopsided grin and a raised eyebrow. 

"Yes?" She asked wanting to get over this as politely as possible.

"You look beautiful today." The man replied, definitely tipsy.  

"Thank you." He's wasted. She replied with a smile and turned away, studying the item again. She was in no mood to have someone hitting on her. From the looks of it, this man had a high ego, probably a rich man. He cleared his throat again. She felt her anger bubbling.

"You should go and drink some water." She spat at him in the politest way possible.

The man laughed. "Maybe you didn't recognize me. William Blaize. Billionaire, businessperson and you might be...?" He offered her a hand. She took it, hiding her irritation with a smile. 

"Prince. Diana Prince." 

"Care for a dance, Miss Prince?"  

"No, thank you."

"I insist, Diana." He whispered, getting uncomfortably close. 

Diana felt her anger flare as she felt a hand graze her bare back. Enough with the politeness. 

She whirled around and faced him. But just when she was about to speak, he placed a finger on her lips and started leaning in. Diana clenched her fists. She grabbed his finger and broke it in a swift flick if her wrist. The man screamed as she rushed past the crowd in anger, quickly grabbing her coat and running out of the hall. 

She darted to to her car and nearly stumbled. She sat in her car and revved the engine up, while throwing her stilettos in the back seat and cursing under her breath.

She laid her head down on the steering wheel, breathing deeply. Only he was allowed to touch her. No one else. ONLY HIM. NO. ONE. ELSE.

She felt her eyes moistening as these thoughts ran in her head. She felt herself tearing up. But she refused to cry. She had to be strong for him...for them. Crying could not bring him back. Nothing could.


A/N: Okay...that was intense. So idk who is Willam Blaize..any similarities to any person (except people who act exactly the way he did, jerk) are mistakes to be blamed on my sorry ass. Anyways...


So this book is gonna end with around 30 chapters (bonus: I have written till 21, but i won't publish it yet)

I will (probably...if i stay motivated...) write a sequel to this book.

Also, i need recommendations on nice wondie fanfics to read here...let me know about some in the comments.

See ya fellows
Till then, keep eating ice cream and cookies. 

KDR out.

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