Chapter 2

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Diana reached the place in a few minutes and saw Black Canary screaming at a girl with dark hair. She seemed to be avoiding it with a sword....she could be a demigod. Green Arrow fired a smoke arrow towards the girl and she caught it in a swing. The arrow burst up and the place was enveloped in smoke. Diana landed a few metres away from the girl and signalled the other two heroes to put down their weapons. She could hear the girl coughing slightly under the hissing of smoke coming out from the arrow. 

As the smoke cleared, Diana could make out a girl of about 20 years with dark hair and sea green eyes staring at her with a protective stance. She could make out that the girl was new here because of the questioning look in her eyes. She raised her hands slightly, signalling that she meant no harm. She took a few steps forward but stopped as soon as the noticed the girl grip her sword tighter. 

"ποιος είσαι?(Who are you) "

She tried to question the girl. 

"ποιος είσαι, πρώτα?(Who are you, first?)

She replied in flawless Greek.

"μιλάς αγγλικά?(Do you speak English?)

"I do"

The girl knew her languages.

"Now, who are you? I am Diana..., probably your cousin, if you are who you say you are.."

"I am Persephone Jackson, Daughter of Poseidon,....Let me belong to...Zeus?"

"I am his daughter..." She replied with an annoyed sigh...he was the last thing she wanted to think about him right now.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

The girl raised her sword again.

"Look, I understand our fathers don't really have a great past but-"

Suddenly, the girl threw her sword at her. Diana caught the blade in her hand. She noticed drops of red trickling down her palm.


She took the sword in her hands and studied it. 

"Not exactly. She is called Riptide."

"I thought it was a pen at first..." Dinah chimed from the back.

Diana dropped her focus from the sword and looked back at Canary and Green arrow.

"I've got this..." She whispered to them. "Well....Goodnight....we should be on our way then...."

Diana looked at the girl again. "Why the sword?"

"It can hurt only those with god blood.  It passes through mortals..."

"Okay....that's new..."

"So you may want to ask what am i doing here..?"

"I do.."

"Well I was sent here by my father. I came from a place far away from here. A war is coming. Tartaros still lives...he is joining hands with Circe. I thought i had killed him.....but i had just made him weaker. He lost a fraction of his powers...but still has his..... other powers...He can still kill me...and everyone else....and I need you to train me..."

Diana noticed the young girl had turned visibly pale and decided not to ask her why.

"Come with me then"


A/N: So I just thought i may publish the next chapter on 28. Or a lil early if my good-human-side kicks in. 

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