Chapter 5

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Diana listened carefully to each and every word she said. She knew better than to trust gods. But this girl looked like she needed her. She had already lost so much...did she have the courage to lose more?

She grew tense with each word. Her breathing quickened. She had no other choice. The girl needed her....this was her fatal flaw...her very nature. The will to give everything away...the urge to save everyone...forgetting about herself...what she needs.

The young girl's sea green eyes studied her waiting for a response. They stared right into her soul....piercing it. She felt an almost familiar feel take over her....she wanted to hold her tight and tell her everything will be fine....that she would be there for her....she would protect her from the world....a maternal instinct. The last time she had let it take over, it did not have a happy ending. She wouldn't let it happen again. She would not lose her too. She couldn't.

She swallowed. Anxiety slowly taking over. The girl continued to look at her with hopeful eyes.

"I-I need time."

"Okay" her cousin replied, visibly disturbed.

She quickly gulped down a glass of wine and got up.

"You want anything for dinner? You look like you could do with some food..."

Perci nodded. 

Diana rushed into he kitchen and pulled out a pan from the drawers. She roughly set it on the stove and poured water into it. She tried to calm down by indulging herself in work.

After a few minutes, she poured the spaghetti she had prepared in two bowls and placed them in front of Perci and herself. 

"So what did you want to ask me?"she questioned while rolling her fork in the spaghetti.

"The food is great." 

"Thank you.."

There was a moment of awkward silence between them. Perci looked like she was trying to phrase her thoughts.

"Does it have any effect on you?"

This caught Diana by surprise which was evident on her face. "What..?"

"The wine...does it affect you?"

Diana breathed a little as realization dawned upon her."No"

"Then why do you drink it?"

" a comfort food...or I'm just addicted to it..then of course there's ice cream..." her eyes gleamed.

Perci raised her eyebrows. "My comfort food is blue pancakes."

Diana looked at her with a bemused expression. "Blue...?"

" should try that once....its amazing....all blue food is..."

"I've just had the luxury to eat blueberry cake..." she chuckled lightly.

After they had finished their food, they chatted for nearly an hour. Many things were said, except the ones closest to their hearts. Diana realized that Perci was tired after watching her yawn for the 6th time. "You know you should probably sleep..."


"Hmm...goodnight then..." with that said, Diana walked Perci to her room and after making her comfortable, went to the warmth of her own bed and fell into a hopefully peaceful sleep.

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