Need some suggestions!

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So hi my lovelies! I guess everyone has already read the title....lemme tell you that this story is already planned and i have a bombastic ending for this one (or is it...?). I needed some advice from you guys regarding another story that came in my head (actually i dreamed it tonight...was so scared i woke up...and not just once, 4 So this story had four parts and it goes...

[That was actually me in my dream....I'll obviously change that...]

So its sorta the ending of the one knows that yet. Basically the earth's crust is splitting apart and spewing lava in many cities. So there i my school, having fun with my friends....until the bell rang and we were getting in our van to go home(in our country, we use public transport to go to and come back from school). The sky was a little cloudy and we didn't know it was actually smoke. We were passing from the front of the school's boundary wall when suddenly the whole 9 foot wall crashed down in lava. And that was the end of the first dream. Actually that's when i woke up. 

Here goes the second dream....we were in my house and my mum was in the kitchen. At first the authorities had warned us about the lava and splitting surface of the earth (it was here too)....a few hours later i was sitting in a circle with my mum, dad, two sisters and two doggies and eating our supposedly last lunch. We knew what was happening and we were EATING for God's sake. After that my neighbors who also happen to be my dad's uncle and his wife and kids whom I am pretty close to, came to us. We sat in a circle hugging each other and crying and confessing so many things...the dogs simply lay in the center and stayed close to us. That's when we heard the air raid siren in my city go off....warning that the lava was here. I walked over to the balcony and saw a huge sacred fig/peepal tree a few metres from my house burning and i knew it was here. And i woke up. And nearly believed that this was the future. And got scared, didn't sleep until half an hour later.

And the third...after the whole thing was over (not completely), we survived. half the world was gone. The gases from the lava had taken form of a serious plague that was first a disease with no particular symptoms except a bad throat (you guys will probably kill me...i too want to grind my brain in a mixer grinder for thinking up these things..but believe me....corona will be gone soon...have some faith and hope) but what was stranger was that after this, people started turning into some sort of zombies...The remaining government of the worlds combined to form a single one and they needed soldiers to protect the remaining people. A rule was put up where everyone between a particular age had to serve the gov in any way possible for a period of 5 years. My family had survived and we took up jobs. My mum became a pilot (she's an architect), my dad a government architect (he's a freelance architect currently) and i became a soldier with my sister. Our youngest sister was too small to take up any role and just came with us everywhere. We were given a certain section where we all traveled together with 30 or 40 other soldiers....some of which were my classmates. We were patrolling and making sure no one came out of their houses. We sat down on the road after a few hours. We were told that people would try to flee the country because they had the disease and we had to stop them so the could be cured. After a while we put up barricades on the roads and sat down. We sat in a circle and talked for a while....until a truck came breaking the barricades and it ran over the girl i was talking to and so many screeched to a halt an inch away from crushing my younger sister. Honestly we don't get along very well, but in the dream, me hugging her and crying was totally legit. Thats when i woke up and nearly cried.

Here's the me, my twin sis, and my cousin brother and sister have guns with us....guns as in AK-47s and were were walking down a park with my grandpa. We were picking up guns and tasers that were laying on the floor and killing zombies that tried to kill us. That was until we finally reached the wagon that was delivering the a sort of immunity against this zombie disease in the form of a drink with vapors. That's where i woke up.

So i had this question, should i make separate stories for these or just sew it all up into a series with a few books? I need some suggestions....

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