Chapter 1

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Diana walked home from the cemetery. Thankfully, the snow wasn't too much. But the night was chilly indeed. 

She stopped in front of the mahogany door and fished out a key from her coat pocket. All she wanted to do today was sleep. It was a busy day today. She managed to stop three bank robberies and an accident....that would have been easy if it wasn't for Livewire deciding to pay her a visit.

She had to be back in Paris after a week. Loads of museum work would be waiting for her in her office. 

After a few more seconds of jiggling the keys in the hole, the door finally clicked open. She hung her coat on the stand nearby and plopped on the sofa. She pulled off her sandals and walked to her room and changed into a loose tee and shorts. 

She walked over to the wine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of red wine and a long stemmed glass and set them on the dining table. She poured out half a glass and sat on the table. Before she could take her first sip, her League comm beeped. She sighed and put it to her ear. It had become really difficult to manage the League after they had left. 

Over the comm, Dinah Lance's voice sounded distressed. 

"Wonder Woman come in. Diana are you there?"


"We might need your help...Ollie and me were patrolling sector 7 when a someone popped out of nowhere.... said she is the daughter of Poseidon...has super strength...ugh..and she is beating the crap out of us...."

"okay...I'll be there in 10...try to stay alive" 

Diana ended the call. She sighed, annoyed. Today was supposed to be her resting day....

But she had to see who this was. After changing into her uniform, she took off into the night.


A/N: Alright, so i decided that i really wanted to write this story, so i am writing this whole thing. I don't really wanna keep it all in my i think i will be publishing a new chapter soon.

Have a nice day!

PS- i hope that this chapter wasn't too long.

Diana was slightly intrigued. But more than that she was annoyed

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