Chapter 13

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Perci opened her eyes. She panicked slightly. This wasn't her bedroom. This wasn't any place she knew. She tried to move, she couldn't. She tried to look around- all she saw was a black void. It did not have a beginning or an end-it was just there.

She could see herself-floating in the darkness, unable to move. Suddenly she heard a whisper behind her right ear that sent chills down her spine.

" are finally here..." Her chest constricted as she realized whom the voice belonged to.


She gulped, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Just then a blurry figure appeared before her. It cleared and stood before her a blue eyed girl with blonde hair tied in a pony tail. "Wi-Wise Girl...?" was all she managed to choke out between sobs. 

The girl smiled. "Seaweed brain." Behind her, she could see them-Sally, Nico, Jason, Piper, Hazel....everyone. Annabeth turned her head sideways, looking at the others behind her.

"Look Perci.....look what you did." The girl's eyes darkened. Perci felt an icy coldness in her chest. Her expression of relief turned to the one of horror as everyone was suddenly covered n blood. "Look Perci...we all live here this dark empty killed us..." the girl sneered. Perci tried her best to keep herself from breaking. 

This wasn't Annabeth...none of this is real.....

The girl inched closer...her voice becoming louder..."We were ready to give our everything for you....yet you couldn't save were a still are..."

"Traitors deserve to DIE. YOU SHOULD BE DEAD" the girl screamed. Perci shut her eyes and tried desperately to shut her ears.

This is a dream...wake up....WAKE UP,DAMMIT!


Perci jolted awake in her bed as the sound of Annabeth's screams drowned in the sound of her own ragged breathing. She was on the verge of crying. 

She rubbed circles on her arm in an attempt to slow down the heart that was currently raging in her chest. She brought her shuddering knees to her chest and hugged herself tighter, her hands still shaking. She needed a distraction. 

Perci looked up at the clock in her room. 2.15 am. She swung her feet down the bed and took a deep breath. She got up on shaky feet, a hand on the wall until she could stand firmly again.

She walked out of her room and closed the door as silently as possible. She did not want to wake Diana, if she was back. She walked directly into Diana's room- a place that had been her sanctuary from nightmares ever since she came here. 

On reaching there, she frowned. The door was open, like always. The curtains were parted, pale moonlight streaming in the room. The bed was empty. It was still untouched, still made. and so was the room

She sighed. Diana was usually home at this hour of the night. 

She needed water. She walked down the barely visible hallway to the kitchen. After having a nice drink of warm water, she headed back to her room. But she stopped dead in her tracks as she saw a dark figure lying on the couch. She walked over quietly to the switch board, arms in a defensive position and switched on a yellow lamp that dimly lit the room. 

She inwardly sighed as she saw dark hair fanning the couch. She walked over to Diana and realized that she was still in her armor and covered in black stains that seemed like soot and assessed her for any injuries. There weren't any. She came to the conclusion that she was just very very exhausted. 

She tapped her shoulder gently. "Hey...wake should sleep in your'll get a cramped neck.."

Diana only twitched while mumbling something like butterscotch was better than waffles. Perci had to place a hand on her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. In the end, she decided against waking her up. She just walked over to Diana's room and pulled a blanket over her. 

After that, she walked to her own room and fell into a dreamless slumber.


Unbeknownst to them, two hooded figures watched their brief exchange. 

They nodded to each other and faded into the night.

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