Chapter 1

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Stacey Robertson was beautiful, her red rosy cheeks seemed to glow, and her stubby little fingers reached out to Storm Fernald, who was hesitant to touch them, there was a chuckle from behind him and he looked over to see Baloc Robertson, his partner in crime approach him, wiping his hands on a tea towl after assisting in the kitchen with his wife.

'She's not going to bite'.

He joined Storm's side, 'I know... But she's so fragile', Storm says quietly, he hadn't even picked little Stacey up from her crib. Baloc leaned over and picked his daughter up and turned to Storm, who took a few steps back whilst shaking his head, 'I don't think so Locky', he didn't want to hold her... Or more so he didn't know how to hold her. 

'Don't call me Locky, and yes, you're going to hold her, she's your goddaughter, you're going to have to hold her eventually'.

But Storm chuckled, 'yes, eventually, but not right now', he could see the disapproving look flicker over his partner's face.

'What're you two having a disagreement about?'

Deacon had finished the washing and had turned the television on, 'honey, pass me Stacey, her shows on, keep her occupied until she falls asleep', Baloc gently passed little Stacey over to her and he watched as Deacon placed her in the little rocking chair. 

'Rose and Rosemary will be coming soon, the traffic's been horrible apparently'. 

Deacon said as she went to check on dinner, 'I'm slightly glad because dinner isn't ready just  yet', she chuckled and Storm smiled at her chirpiness. 
The first time he had met Deacon, he did not approve, and maybe it was because he was being over protective of Baloc because of his past. But thankfully, Deacon didn't leave, if anything, she healed Baloc and it was just what he needed, he has two beautiful daughters.
Rose had grown into a beautiful young woman, and Rosemary was just as beautiful , but both were yet to still grow up, just like him. 

'You still seem to be a little scared of Stacey'.

Deacon chuckled at him as she placed the plates onto the table along with the cutlery, 'like Baloc said, you'll have to hold her eventually', she winked at him and Storm rolled his eyes, 'I'm not so sure about that, I'll just wait until she's too old for me to hold her, then there would be a reason for me not to hold her'.

'Now that's just being lazy!'

The doorbell chimed and Baloc had answered and ended up with a face full of flowers, 'I thought you'd like some flowers!' Rose squeaked as she pushed them into Baloc's arms and shoved past him to rush over and wrap Deacon in a hug, 'how thoughtful of you', Baloc chuckled as he spat a pink petal out of his mouth. Rosemary had come in moments later and gently took the flowers from him, 'hey dad', she kissed him on the cheek, 'do you have a vase I can put this in?'

'I'll have to grab one from the cupboard'. 

Rosemary had definitely grown into a fine young woman, her hair had been dyed to a deep brown and she wore a striped top and denim jeans. She could make bland clothes look brand new.
He avoided her gaze, his cheeks growing hot, get yourself together ! you're a lot older than her! Storm scrunched his eyes before focusing on the food that Deacon had finished preparing. Thank god she had broken the tension, though Rosemary had no clue about his feelings, and she would never know.

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