A Spade Clue

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The sky glittered and the clouds fluffed by. Al opened his eyes. He floated in an empty space.

He could feel a warmth behind him but there was nothing there.

Water swayed around him and he breathed it in carefree.

He felt the tail twirl around his leg and he smiled, he felt the cat ears tickle his neck.

He moved feeling the warm hands.

"Cheshire?" His voice echoed through the sky he was in.

He looked back yet saw no one, the water around him began to turn red, the sky soon did too.

He felt the warmth again and he looked.

The gold eyes pierced through his body into his soul.

The sharp claw dug into his chest. The pain struck Al everywhere.

He flinched touching the arm, the cat claw that reached into him.

"Che-shire.." he whimpered.

His heart pounded as the claw moved out taking with it a black ball struggling for survival.

He saw it and Cheshire smiled. He said something but he couldn't hear.

The ball stayed there as Cheshire faded.

It glowed dimly and he stared at it feeling hollow inside.

The ball began to float away from him, "Wait.." Al said and followed it.

A black line linked them together. He felt the pain in his eye.

A large map of Wonderland appeared and the ball floated over it at the tree from where he came from.

"The.. tree?" He floated over the tree and stared. He saw himself come out of the door from it.

He watched himself wonder around, yet he was smaller. Younger than he was now.

He saw Butterfly and the large mushrooms. The he saw another of himself. How he was when he came out the tree again.

The two of him walked different paths, but met the same Butterfly.

The child walked with the butterfly to a castle near by, a spade castle. While the teen was taken into the sky and to a tower where he was locked away.

"It's different." He realized.

The small ball hovered over the child while Al followed the teen.

"I met him once.."

The ball rewinded the time. Al watched closer.

A man hid in the bushes when the child him came out from the tree.

"That man.." he saw the spade on his clothes and watched.

When the teen came out and the butterfly took him to the tower the same man came out from the tree.

He looked around for something. He looked above seeing a flash fly over.

A black bird with a woman cloaks in darkness on it.

The man ran into the forest of Wonderland appearing out near the large castle with a spade.

He came out. The bird dove toward him and the man knocked the woman off it.

He ran back toward the tree. He saw himself running through the forest from the time when Cheshire took him out from the tower and into the forest.

After the time were he ha to leave Cassie and run to the green queen's castle.

The man looked around and opened the door to the tree. He whispered something.

From over head he saw the bird dive at him again.

The man disappeared, a pillar of light shot from the tree.

It was the time where Al had seen the pillar if light. The time where the tree secretly transferred someone.

"I get it!" He said and looked at the little ball, "It was him!" He said as the ball rewinded time again stopping at the man when he held something.

The image zoomed in and he clearly saw his face.

"The spade king! His name," he remembered, "Belze!" He said realizing it.

"The firefly, the name, it all makes sense!" Al said, "Bezle was the name of Lord Vigil's wife who died mysteriously somehow!"

The ball floated toward him and he grabbed it gently, "I get it.. Vigil.. Lord Vigil is my caregiver," he remembered him floating along the water as it all turned blue again.

The map disappeared and he remembered everything.

"I get it now.." he closed his eyes, "Vigil is actually.. the king.." he said. "So his real name.. a clue to his real name.. is.."

Al went quiet thinking of it all. He saw the thing that he was holding. A crystal covered by cloth wrapped and tied by strings to cover it.

"It was me.." he said. "The me hat he brought home.."

He remembered the time when he lay in bed sick and he felt a heaviness. When he had opened his eyes a large crystal was on his chest and it sank it with a glow.

From then his sickness grew better but took a turn for the worse near the end.

He remembered Vigil telling him the crystal was an important artifact that only his body would accept.

Al looked at the small ball covered in darkness.

"He gave me back my soul.." Al thought, "the Spade King.. already knew me."

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