"No measurement, we'll take you to someone who will tell you the same thing, just be patient." Lestia turned the map and they walked along the path like they did.

Al opened the book and stared into the pages, he had kept it close by whenever he needed it to refer back to something.

"So what are their names?" Al asked,

"Has curiosity killed you at last, Al?" Lestia asked realizing he asked a lot of questions.

"S-sorry, it's all new.." he smiled embarrassed helping Cheshire remove the small spiky balls from him.

"The boy is Din, the girl is Dil." Cheshire answered.

"They're male and female?" Al asked slightly shocked.

"Yes but do not doubt their power. They may be small but their ages are limitless." Cheshire pulled them all off at last and realized they now stuck back onto both of them.

"What are these?" Al struggled with them,

"Pulba," Cheshire bit one and it exploded into sparkles releasing a fairy it had caught.

Al saw and took out a hair pin as sharp as a knife and poked all the ones stuck on him.

Fairies fluttered and flew up and away, he then poked the ones on Cheshire finally both free.

"What do they do?" Al asked putting the hair pin back.

"They aren't.. well they are dangerous." Lestia said.

"They stick onto a host and are carried around, if the host doesn't notice them before a day's time they will be swallowed by the small pluba that will evolve in to a large pluba know as pulbak."

"Inside their body is a poisonous fluid that gradually kills their host. It digests them with it."

"How horrible this place is.." Al sighed helplessly.

When all his questions were answered Al found himself silently walking close to Cheshire holding his hand.

He felt like a child, and soon he realized how cold it got.

He lift the scarf over his mouth and nose and moved closer to Cheshire feeling Cheshire's tail wrap around his waist bringing him closer.

"Cold?" Cheshire said and took off his shoulder cover putting it on him.


"Don't worry, I don't get so cold." he kept him close and warm.

Without noticing, it began to snow.

Al looked up at the snow flakes and felt their coldness.

He breathed and could see his breath. He smiled and cuddled to Cheshire.

"It's our first snow together," Al thought and Cheshire smiled.

"First, never last," he said.

Al watched Lestia who had more skin-showing clothes.

She didn't shudder or sneeze of even notice it was snowing.

He walked faster with Cheshire to catch up to her and they stood behind her.

She felt the warmth and looked back, "Oh my, I didn't know," she looked up seeing the snow,

"It is that season," Cheshire grinned.

Lestia looked at him, the two tails swayed behind him and his ears were straight up.

She knew there was danger near by and stayed close to them. Al closed his eyes and soon was asleep yet still walked.

Cheshire left him be making sure he stayed by his side.

The second tail moved and wrapped around his thigh making it harder for him to walk.

Lestia looked up and stopped, "What do you think?"

They stopped too. Cheshire looked up at a large mountain covered in snow. He couldn't see the tip or even if there was one.

He and Lestia looked at the map and stared at it and decided to go around.

Al's eyes popped open and his wings burned out. He grabbed them both and shot into the air.

He could feel a strong heat from the top of the mountain. As if a fire was built up there or a home and people were there.

Passed the freezing clouds and the frozen winds. Passed the last air supply they had and to the very top where a massive tree grew.

"From the past till the present," Al said, neither of them able to see his face.

"Wonderland had existed in silence and peace." He read the words that flashed in front of him.

"The twins.." Al closed his eyes imagining them from Alice's story. "We're trying to fight and help. They were trying to warn her, to warn us." Al opened his eye and went faster.

The wind became instantly warm and the bright of the sun shined on them.

Lestia wondered what he meant, what he was saying made no sense to her.

"It's not a storm," Al thought.

Cheshire watched the floor fade and the clouds cover the ground.

He looked up and saw the lime green trees then he realized the massive tree in the center of it all.

He realized that the tree was from his domain.

He stared and the tree shook slightly making an earthquake.

"So.." Cheshire thought, "The things of your domain.."

"Are becoming real." Al finished.

"What will happen to Wonderland?" Cheshire thought, panic arose in his chest.

"It will fall apart." Al didn't hesitate to answer.

"How.. do you know?" Cheshire asked him aloud.

Lestia heard and glanced at him, the humidity made he eyes tear up.

"The twins never fought with Alice, they couldn't because they tried to warn her." Al said aloud too, "If what they warned her about is true."

They flew past the last supply of oxygen and into outer space.

Lestia was in dead shock seeing the world below change.

Cheshire and Al watched as places started to corrupt with dreams and fantasies.

"Wonderland will become my domain.. it will be destroyed forever."

"What should we do?"

"Oba, we need Oba to finish the tablets.." Al remembered them, "We only need one more holder."

"Then we can.."

"Fix Wonderland."

"How do you know?"

Al in WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now