Al made a face and looked away.

He didn't say anything to Cheshire as they came up by a small sign none of them read.

".. But how are you older than me?" he asked him.

"I told you sometime before. I've known everything about you before you were born." he answered.

Al narrowed his eyes unable to believe it. They stopped and realized where they were.

The trees had no leaves, their bark was dark brown seeming burned. The grass was tainted and withered, only weeds grew.

The path they were on had worn down into a muddy dirt path.

They could hear crows in the distance and the crunching of bones and ripping of meet.

Cheshire pulled Al closer using the scarf to cover his face and head.

He had unwrapped it from himself and wrapped it around him.

Lestia hadn't realized she dropped the invisible cloak she had on them all revealing them to the world they stood in.

Al moved behind Cheshire sticking to him like glue. They continued walking staying closely together.

Lestia looked at the map and saw they were right on track.

Al felt a small pain on his back and suddenly fell unconscious.



Cheshire and Lestia felt the pain and soon were both out too.

Dark shadows emerged from the forest around them dressed in traditional Japanese kimonos and yukatas.

They looked at each other and nodded tying them up and taking them into the woods where they separated them.

Cheshire was put in a cage and Al was put behind him.

They took off the scarf that acted as a cover and they saw his face.

A calm gentle stir and they all flinched in shock. They stuck him with another stick of black liquid and he moved more.

His eyes popped opened and turned all black.

"Zola!" the dark figure groaned and an explosion covered the air.

Al grabbed Cheshire and Lestia jumping up. His wings opened and he flew out of the smoke into a large tree.

Zola came out from Al and held him from falling.

She snapped and the three awoke from their unconscious state.

"Zela?" Al said and she smiled disappearing into a door.

He looked around and saw Cheshire who jumped down from a higher branch to him.

He noticed something was missing and touched his bare shoulders.

"The scarf.." he said and Al realized.

A door opened and Zela held out the scarf. She was prepared for anything.

Cheshire smiled grabbing it, Al quickly wrapped himself in half and wrapped Cheshire in the other half.

He liked the warmth it gave, the smell and comfort too. He also liked having Cheshire connected somehow.

He covered his face and smiled loving it still.

Cheshire blinked staring at him and Al skipped along next to him as they jumped down onto the path again.

Lestia floated down elegantly with her wings touching the floor and leaving beautiful leaves along it.

Al in WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now