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It was all muddled since then

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It was all muddled since then. Since that moment everything joined together. 

Someone ran forward from somewhere to try and protect Meihua, but the bullet had already been shot. Then the most confusing part. It pierced into someone, penetrated someone's skin, but that someone wasn't Meihua. 

Meihua almost passed out when she realised it wasn't her who was shot. Then screamed when she realised who it was that did actually get shot.


She was shocked. It was the first time anyone had ever really seen her so taken aback. For someone who rarely showed anything but that smug emotion, she was basically overflowing with fear. Her eyes skittered as she tried to find a way out of the situation. 

No matter how resourceful she was, she realised that not every person is savable. She had become one of those people all too quickly. 

"Haizhen!" A scream reached her ears and rang on until she could hear it ever present as a straight high pitched beep in the background. 

"Haizhen, don't die. Please, you-you'll be fine." 
"I-I'm not ready to- to die yet." Each word was interrupted by an agonising breath as she clutched at the red spilling from her side. Closing her eyes for a second as the tears slipped away, pain dragged with every shaky heave of the chest. 

"hey, HEY! Don't close your eyes! Stay awake please, Haizhen, please." 
"you'll be fine, Haizhen, you've sustained this kind of injury before, HAIZHEN PLEASE!" 

It was at that moment that they wished that they had not been the ones chosen to follow Meihua. As much as they would've equally hated for Haizhen to die alone, seeing her go like that was so painfully numbing. 

Someone else rushed in and tried hard to save her, he would've been able to. But it didn't work. 

The girl was fighting everything to stay alive. Fighting every force of nature that made the blood rush out of her veins and made the oxygen ever harder to press into her lungs. But alas, bringing life to things was never her power. 

"Haizhen, please, you can't die on us. Who will lead us?" 
"Haizhen, you're the only mother I've ever had. You can't leave me!" 
She could hear the voices begging her to stay. She never wanted to accept it, especially not that early, but it was her time. 

"Don't worry, I'll see my mamas soon." She closed her eyes again and inhaled for the last time. She'd said before, she didn't want to die. But the prospect of seeing her two mothers again overruled any of that. 

A scream was elicited from her lips as her power worked just the way she compelled it to, exploding arteries and ripping through cell walls.  

Her heart was spasming and twisting and turning in its constraints between her lungs and dark blood poured from her eye glands: the last blood that she would ever shed. 

She had found a taste for saccharine blood, one that was only satisfied when she tasted her own. 


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i'll just update all of it since im here already but like....

haizhen my wifu, why did you go? ik i wrote this myself but still, did you have to die? now im a widow 💧💧💧

but yh, i tried to make this as like sad as possible but idk if it worked or no... idk idk, i kinda found it difficult to write but that might just be bcs im not that great at death scenes- IDK LEMME JUST STOP BEFORE I RUIN THE MOOD AGAIN

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