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"So we're really doing this?

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"So we're really doing this?.." 
Haizhen sighed, one that was exasperated but somewhat amused also. She really didn't want to do it, but Renjun was very unfortunately stubborn.

"Alright then, I'll arrange something with Baekhyun then. We're gonna need more help if this is to succeed." 
"You mean like Baekhyun's team? The M Circle? The Tigers?"
"More impressed, but yeah." 

The various contacts that Haizhen had never failed to stun the boy. He should've expected it though: she was basically the leader of the whole operation. 

The M Circle were an interesting team. They mostly worked undercover and helped plan out affairs without ever really getting too involved. Some of them were part of the UNW (United New Worlds) movement but not all. It was difficult to trust them, because of the weird mixed nature of the ranks of their members, but they owed Haizhen. They had to be good. 

"Mark is part of the M Circle, isn't he?"
"He was," Renjun corrected her, "I doubt he's in any fit shape to participate for a while." 
She nodded understandingly, crossing his name from her plan. 

"Now, if I'm thinking correctly, the coordinators are Taeyong and Taemin, so then they would join Donghyuck. Baekhyun is the spy. Mark was supposed to be the scientist among us, but our frail knowledge of the circumstances will have to do. So that leaves Jongin, Lucas, and Ten as attackers along with the rest of us." 

Renjun nodded at what her plan consisted of so far. She was undoubtedly extremely good at planning, every detail was precise and nothing unforgotten. Well...

"What about the girl you said you were training?"
"Hm, I don't know if she's ready to join us. I think she's compliant enough to not escape, but not strong enough to do anything yet. Might bring her along to see if she'll learn anything then, and if worst comes to worst then Meihua could look after her." 

The boy thought about it for a second. It didn't seem right. 
"Do you really trust her with Meihua?" 

 "Do you really trust her with Meihua?" 

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the m circle? the tigers? its just superm and tiger inside if yall didn't notice lmao, im SO creative ong

NEO NIGHTS * huang renjunWhere stories live. Discover now