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"What did you do now? Drug her? No? Sorry

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"What did you do now? Drug her? No? Sorry."
Hwan tried to make a joke as Renjun entered with the girl in his arms, but clearly it wasn't the time.

Renjun went to the isolated medical bay that Didi pointed out to him. He placed her body on the nearest bed and sat beside her. Should she wake up anytime soon? Or would it be like last time when she took a few days?

He kept watching her. He wanted so badly to interfere, to use his power to wake her up or something. But no, Hyuck warned him against it, Hyuck told him to give her time. And that's what he was going to do.

But she looked so beautiful, like a fallen angel, her hair still a mess and the dried tears like dark raindrops staining the golden gates of heaven. Her voice would reflect that angelic picture before him, he wanted to hear it but no.

If he maybe just-
She woke up.

"Where is this?"
He breathed out a little, hoping that the tension in his heart would escape at hearing the voice he wanted so badly to hear. His chest fluttered.

"Uhm- I- It's-" Shit, why did he stutter so much?
He wished he hadn't because maybe then he would've been able to stop her before she looked him dead in the eye and said:

"Who are you?"
"The last thing I remember is, I was at a class in school and I wasn't feeling well. Now I'm here. You're not the school nurse so who are you?"

Renjun was confused. He didn't want to jump to conclusions or panic but he couldn't help it. He jumped up from where he was sitting beside her: jagged movements fueled by his inner disarray.

"Meihua, what are you talking about?"
"Meihua? My name isn't Meihua... Who's Meihua?"
"Please tell me you're joking. You don't remember me? Sunshine, it's Renjun."

She turned away for a second and looked back with a face of rage.
"Do I look like I'm joking? Take me back home please, and stop calling me silly nicknames like I'm your girlfriend or something."

He bit his lip as if that would stop the tears which were threatening to fall.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said the things that I said to you earlier, that was so horrible of me to say that. I can't keep on doing terrible shit and hiding it as trying to protect you. You deserve to have your own say, you have a right to it. Just please, come back to me. Don't forget me please."

He held her hand tightly in his and begged that her memories would be sparked by his touch. A twinge of guilt played on her heart and she couldn't keep it up any longer.

"Renjun, that's all I wanted you to say."
"Liu Meihua, did you seriously just play with my heart like that?"
"I'm sorry... I just wanted you to-"

The girl was cut off by softness filling the space in front of her lips. It was almost as though she could feel his shattering erratic heartbeat as vibrations through his own lips and even after pulling away, she could feel the tingles of his snowflake-like lips still present.

"Renjun, I-"

Meihua wanted to say something, she really did, but when she saw how ethereal his face looked - she suddenly couldn't help herself.

Her lips were against his again, more confident this time. Playing a melody along his mouth like a piano, oh how sweet was that melody. So sweet and moving that she felt dampness upon her cheeks that she knew was not from her own tears.

She felt like a water lily, or a feather atop a long stretch of honey.
"Is junnie crying?"
He wiped his tears quickly, turning his head defiantly away when she tried to look at him.

"You scared me, sunshine..."
She frowned playfully when she saw how red his eyes were from crying.
"I didn't expect you'd get that scared, I'm sorry jun."
She took a finger to underneath his eye and brushed the last of the falling water.

"Don't cry, I won't leave you, okay?"

"Don't cry, I won't leave you, okay?"

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they kissed !!! this was so soft for me when writing it bcs im acc just genuinely bad at scenarios like this

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