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She didn't like sports

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She didn't like sports. Meihua panted as beads of sweat formed around her hairline and her whole body heated up despite the slight biting cold of the autumn breeze.

Though she did really put effort into everything she did, or at least tried to, sports was the one exception. And what's worse, they were doing laps and her stamina levels were about zero.

Meihua's feet landed heavily upon the ground, her arm flailing around she didn't try to even keep any kind of proper form. She stopped again for maybe the fifth time that lap and bent over her knees.

"Hey, Mei, your shoelaces are untied."
The girl in question groaned in response to the statement and looked down to see that her shoelaces really were untied.

She bent down further to tie them up but her hands were a bit too sweaty to be able to pull the knot on the second one.
"Biyu? Will you help please?"

Biyu laughed a little at the girl's dilemma but leant down to help her. Biyu was quite quiet and didn't seem to talk a lot. Maybe she just wasn't comfortable with talking to people she didn't know.

But it did make Meihua a little paranoid. Ever since her gaining her powers, she's felt as though people don't speak to her when they don't want to be caught lying. Of course that wasn't the case - most of the time.

"How are you even so good at running? You're like what, five hundred laps ahead of me or something?"
Biyu laughed again before responding,
"I'm not that far ahead."

"You're still quite far, even if I overexaggerated, you're still miles ahead of me. It's not fair, you're too healthy."
"Well... you know me, I love sports."

Did Meihua know Biyu?

Stupid thoughts, she told herself. Of course she knew Biyu, a little at least. Not that much really.

She scoffed silently at herself as the other continued to do her shoelaces. The more she thought, the worse the paranoia got. She wished she could just turn off her brain.

She tried,
"I don't know you that well though..."

Biyu sucked in a breath and Meihua felt immediately bad. She didn't need to say something like that... But there might have been something Biyu was hiding, it was a little evident in the way she slapped her hand over her own mouth and blushed deeply.

"Yeah, I guess not, I guess you don't know me."

+ 100 v-coins

Huh? She knew Biyu? Yes well, that was obvious, wasn't it? Biyu was her new friend. Biyu was sporty, reserved, quite funny in her own way. Meihua knew this about her, so she guessed that counted as knowing Biyu.

But what does it actually mean to know someone? To know the obvious things that everyone else knows? Or the deeper things, possibly things you'd only know if you had been friends or acquaintances for years?

But what does it actually mean to know someone? To know the obvious things that everyone else knows? Or the deeper things, possibly things you'd only know if you had been friends or acquaintances for years?

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hm- the narrative in this one feels a little off ngl but i promise, the next chapter will be worth reading 🙂 i hope...

NEO NIGHTS * huang renjunWhere stories live. Discover now