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"Is- is he dead?" Meihua asked, with apprehension kicking her gut

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"Is- is he dead?" Meihua asked, with apprehension kicking her gut. First the phone, now this. The way things had taken a complete turn felt like a sudden storm whipping at frail tree branches.

"No, he's not gonna die unless I do. But you need to call someone, a medic or something. Not the police, not an ambulance. Call... Call Handong."
Donghyuck gasped, "Are you sure? I thought you didn't-"
"Call her right now!"

Donghyuck sighed before going out of the room to call Renjun's cousin. Handong had been a medic with the UNW for a long time, but she left a few years ago, since the rise in neo powers. She wasn't even Renjun's blood relative, but the... proximity, of their relationship made it seem that way.

For some reason though, after Handong had left, they were no longer very close. So much so, that Renjun had sworn to never need her ever again. But he was breaking that promise to himself.

"Renjun, please, what's going on-"
"Mei, I can't talk right now. I need to focus."
And with that, she was silenced, too scared to say another word.

Donghyuck entered back into the room, with a fairly svelte girl holding a medical bag. She smiled for a second and knelt next to Renjun, already understanding what was happening.

She began to work, injecting needles into Mark and putting medications in his mouth. Once she had thrown herself into whatever it was she was doing, she tapped Renjun on the shoulder and he panted out. He stepped away from Mark and stood next to Meihua, no longer watching what his cousin was up to.

He threw his arms around Meihua, and pulled the puzzled girl close to his chest. He wasn't crying, but his voice sounded as if he was.
"Don't be scared, okay? Sunshine, don't be scared. Everything is going to be fine."
She hugged him back, "Jun, I know you're just trying to convince yourself."


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i like my spaghetti with poisonous bolognese ~~~ no but on a real note i actually cried myself to sleep multiple times last night :>

how y'all doing? and handong my baibiiiii

NEO NIGHTS * huang renjunWhere stories live. Discover now