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"Daaaad~" Meihua called out, having woken up early again

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"Daaaad~" Meihua called out, having woken up early again. She shook her father's shoulders again.
"Can you take me to the archive please? Mum isn't up yet."
He frowned a little, scratching his eyebrow but nodded his head.
"My work doesn't start until later today so I guess I could take you there quickly."

She dragged her father up from his seat, pushing him into the kitchen were his car keys were. He grabbed his coat and they left together, getting in his car and leaving.

The archive looked like a library. It wasn't very big and the gold sign on the front read:
'The People's Archive'
The front was all made from glass and you could see the pristine reception on the inside. Meihua's mouth made an 'o' shape as she left the car and followed after her father into the building.

"Oooo~ where's my file?"
"It'll be under 'L' for Liu and then 'M' for Meihua and then the eighth cabinet for the eighth month-"
"Okayyy~ that's enough explaining, I've already forgotten what I'm supposed to do."

Her father lead her to the filing cabinets. There were hundreds, no thousands of them. It was surreal to her that there was a file for every person in the country there. Surely there had to be some people who were undocumented for. At least one person who was born in the wrong place at the wrong time, and just managed to slip through.

The 'L' cabinets were frustratingly far away and the 'M' cabinets in the 'L' section even further but finally she found around where hers would be. Meihua then turned to her father, she had forgotten what she was supposed to do next.

He guided her to the eighth month cabinet, and together they looked for the fifth day. There were two other Liu Meihua's who happened to have the same birthday as her so her dad took a quick peek inside the files to check the photos. Finally, they found hers.

Meihua flicked through the file quickly, knowing that it would be at the end, since it was the most recent piece of information about her. And there it was, one piece of paper, one document.

And it was titled:

'Neo Powers'

Meihua took a deep breath in before reading, not quite ready to find out what her power might be.
She read,

"Upon turning eighteen, every citizen is now able to activate and use powers. Such powers are called 'Neo Powers'. These are completely randomised and some powers are of greater scale and use than others. This is completely unintentional. Powers cannot be changed.

On 5th of August 2021, Liu Meihua turned eighteen years of age and is therefore entitled to her 'Neo Powers'.

Liu Meihua's given 'Neo Power' is:

The ability to earn 100 v-coins every time someone lies to her."

Meihua visibly frowned.
"I hate it," She began, "That isn't a power, that's not even a gift. So what if people lie, I lie, I wanted like fire breath or water manipulation or something, not this."

She grumbled and her father read the document, seeing the dissatisfaction on her face.
"It's not that bad, Mei. You could work for like a detective department or something, or you could start your own detective agency, you'd get loads of money."
"What're 'v-coins' anyway?"
"It's like a universal currency. Of course not every country solely uses the currency but it is applicable anywhere, no conversion needed."

Meihua pulled her lips into a purse, as her frown changed into a straight line. Her eyebrows knitted together as she still seemed torn on whether it was a good power or not.
"Dad, do you think i can get rid of it? Like scrap it and get a new one."
"Did you not read?" He pointed to one of the lines on the document, "It says, 'Powers cannot be revoked nor deactivated, these are permanent."
Meihua's chest heaved with another sigh as she dumped her file back in the cabinet and began to march away.

"Oh, come on, Mei, it's not terrible."
"Now that I think about it," She began to say, after staring angrily outside the window for a while, "I won't have to work again and I don't have to help mum in the shop."
"See, that's the spirit- Oh wait, no, that's not the spirit, you can still help your mother. Please? I don't want to have to do it."

She laughed before asking, "Dad? Can you just drop me off at Ningning's place? I'll walk home when I'm done."
"Sure, princess Mei."


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no but i would love to have that power, one, my broke ass needs money, two, why the fuck not?

like everyone around me lies, i'd be so richhh~

NEO NIGHTS * huang renjunWhere stories live. Discover now