Ch.9 •RUN•

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Y/n's POV: (A month later)

It's been a month since I've seen Oli. I saw Gally when we last talked weeks ago. They've been busy trying to help Lawrence take WCKD down. We try communicating with the Walkie Talkie but it's a once-in-a-while thing. Dad is doing a lot worse but he's still able to control himself. Mom...well she's not doing too well either. I've been going back and forth taking care of the both of them.
T.W: Mention of murder and suicide (I feel a sick stomach when it comes to these subjects so it won't be too detailed)

As I finished giving my dad the foods he needed he kissed my forehead and said "I love you so much N/n never give up," in a slight whisper. "No, don't give up just yet. Don't let it control you you're going to get better. I love you too." I said as I hugged him before walking out. I walked over to my mom's room where she walked around reading a book. "Hey, mom how are you feeling?" "Well, it's growing slowly not as fast as your fathers. You've grown to be so beautiful Y/n." She said as she pushed some hair behind my ear.

Then all of a sudden she quickly spun me around behind her. I flinched at hearing a gunshot behind us. I slowly opened my eyes to see my dad standing in the doorway his eyes bloodshot red, black veins all over his body he was no longer dad. I looked at mom to see dad had shot her in the chest, she was dying right in front of my eyes. I caught her as she fell to the floor, "Y/n...I- I love you. Thank you N/n you've done your best." " I love you. Please don't say that just hold on!" I said putting pressure on her wound. "Y/n... he's coming back you have to RUN now!" She said holding my hands as she closed her eyes and let out her last breath, I kissed her forehead and laid her down.

Dad had walked out of the room trying to control himself. I quickly snuck to my room grabbed my backpack filled it with clothes, reloads for my guns, water, and some snacks enough for a few days. I also grabbed my usual handgun and a rifle. (I'm not sure if that's the correct name but the picture is at the top) I lastly grabbed the map to Uncle Jorge's place. I snuck into Dad's room to get the Walkie-talkie that was a two-way to Lawrence. I grabbed it but as I turned around there he was, Dad in the doorway holding a knife. He came running towards me but I was able to kick the knife out of his hand. I pushed him against a wall. I began walking back to the door never taking my eyes off him. His eyes were going back to normal, he was trying to fight it.

"Go Y/n. Go before it's too late! Your mom and I loved you very much I'm so sorry-" he was cut off by himself trying to fight the virus taking over. "It's okay. It's okay." "RUN!" He yelled as he started getting up, he had managed to tie his arm to the bed to give me time to get out. I ran out of the room, the walkie-talkie in one hand and my backpack swung over my shoulder. I filled the car with gas before putting the half-full gas container in the back. I threw my bag in the passenger seat along with my gun and dagger. I quickly started the car and drove a bit away from the bunker.

I grabbed the walkie-talkie, "Lawrence! Oliver! Gally! Can anyone hear me?!" It was cutting out the signal was bad, "Mo-m she's dead. Dad cran-ked ou-t!" Then I heard a voice cutting out "Y/n you're cutt-ing out. Are yo-u safe?" I could hear Lawrence, Gally, and Oli shouting out questions. "I'm losing signal, I'm heading to —- -" It cut off again. I pressed the button down to talk again, "I'm leaving ho-me," I was cut off by a gunshot behind me. I quickly patted myself around my body and looked around. My dad's body laid dead outside in front of the bunker, he killed himself... "Buttercup! Y/n! N/n!" I heard the three yell over the walkie-talkie. I couldn't respond my walkie-talkie stopped working. At this point, tears were rolling down my cheeks.

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