She was perplexed , so I continued saying " The one who hugged me is Sakshi , she is my colleague and I want to be honest with you so I'm saying this she always flirts with me but I try to avoid her always , today I thought it was you who hugged me so I didn't push away her .

I really had no idea that was Sakshi . If I knew I would have surely pushed her away Shree . Please don't mistake me ." I blurted out everything fast and I felt her gaze on me the whole time and when I said I thought it was her who hugged I could feel she was about to chuckle but she didn't.

I don't know why I wanted to make it clear to her . I couldn't stand to see her crying my heart ached . She stopped the car on side of road .

*Nithya'S POV*:

There was an awkward silence , I knew I have to break it and I called him but I couldn't ask him anything . But to my surprise he opened up and said everything to me .

And when he said he thought it was me who hugged him . I blushed and I covered it. I was on cloud nine hearing it and he finished saying don't mistake me .

I broke down . Tears ran down my eyes and I parked the car on side of road and turned to his side .

His eyes are now filled with tears but he managed to control and asked sorry again . Damnn why are you making me cry ! Then I spoke . "Varu ,  please you don't have to ask sorry cause you didn't do anything and moreover I don't know why I'm crying now and I know I overreacted on seeing that girl hugging you I'm sorry for that .'

' And please you don't have to explain me anything I know you didn't hug her and I don't know why it pained me to see her hugging you ! I'm sorry if I hurted and *chuckling* actually I came here fast to apologize for calling you as Varu but now I again called that .Sorry Varun if you think I am going overboard .  I always wanted to call you Varu , and it came out unknowingly as I missed you so much . "

*Varun'S POV*:

She parked the car looked at me with teary eyes , my heart is breaking on seeing her like that .

Then she started to talk she called me Varu*butterflies in my tummy* then she apologized to me for behaving like that *my girl it's me who have to apologize , you don't have to* she believed me with all her heart then why is she crying .

then she blurted out saying it pained to see someone hugging me *it pains me to see her crying , and im also on cloud nine as she consideres me close and seeing someone close with me affects her* and she chuckled.

I'm glad she stopped crying and laughed for a second * it made my heart bright* and then she apologized for calling me Varu * my girl here has no idea that I'm loving the way she calls me , and also she said sorry if I feel her going overboard nooooo she is not going overboard I want her to care for me be with me always and call me Varu always *pouting with innocent face* and last she said she missed me so much *I missed you too ma so much * I thought to myself .

and i don't know what came over me I just pulled her for a hug and to my suprise she hugged me back *blushing and butterflies all over me* and I said " You can always call me Varu and you are not going overboard okie ! And all that you said before ... are you bluffing or what ! Its me who has to apologize okie ! Now relax ! " I could feel her blushing and smiling while hugging me !

Then we parted and we went to home like what I wanted , we spoke more and I adored her more along the way .

She is so innocent and she is caring . I must never miss her I thought to myself and we reached our home . "Should I leave " I asked with puppy face to which she chuckled .

and said "Even I don't want to drop you but I know you are tired and you had a hectic day . So go and take rest okie .

And don't think about what happened with that girl and just relax okie ." How is she like this she cares for me a lot and I like that a lottt *blushing* and when she said that girl I corrected her saying it's Sakshi and she glared at me .

I like how she is possessive over me and I told "I know you are possessive over me but never in my dreams I thought that you would be this much possessive and I chuckled (she chuckled and glared at me ) and Now go safely to home and text me when you reach home okie !" She blushed to the whole statement and nodded her head .

*Butterflies in my tummy* she started the car so I turned around then she shouted "Drop Pana vantha Jeevan ku Oru bye kooda illaya Varun " while pouting and I adored her and said "Byeeee maaaaaaaa and drive safe okie !" Now she smiled and took off she went home and texted me ! We spoke for a while and went to sleep !

Hey readers ,

Hope you all are doing good ! Thanks for your supports , please don't be a silent reader do vote and support it makes me motivated to write more !

Have a good day ! 💙

With love ~ Teja 💙

After edit : this edit process is going to suck my soul out . 

Anyway if u see the names not changed do let me know . It kinda sucks to skim every line of this .

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