32. Kendall: Unexpected Requests

Start from the beginning

"Ew, Kendall, please."

Kendall laughed cheekily. "You must have a lot of details to take care of with such a big wedding."

"Actually, planning the wedding's not the issue. My father is."

"Ah. I can imagine."

"He's still being a bit of a grouch about the whole thing. He seems to be trying to pretend the wedding isn't happening at all."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Well, Regina keeps telling me he just needs time, so I hope it's true. But I haven't even told him about how Brandon and I plan to go on a long trip right after the wedding."

"For your honeymoon?"

"No," she said, blushing. "I want us to go away and see the world together."

Kendall felt an envious smile tug at her lips. "He didn't tell me that. That sounds beautiful."

"Coser is all I've ever known. I've been so ... sheltered."

"Well then, you should be glad that's all about to change. Although I will miss Brandon."

"I know you won't miss me."

"Well, I will say it'll be dull without you around."

"Oh, I'm sure you can keep things interesting all on your own." They reached the slope leading down to Hurtmore, but to their surprise, the servants informed them that Logan was at his parents'.

"Oh," Kendall went, blinking at Lilith. "Maybe we should come back another time."

"We can just go over to the Shaws'."

"I don't think ... I mean .... " she faltered, not knowing how to explain without giving things away.  

Lilith was peering quizzically at her. "What?"

"Nothing," she said weakly.

"Shall we?"

Kendall nodded mutely. They doubled back, but this time, Kendall was quiet on the way back to Rodarte. Lilith led them down the street to the Shaw house, knocking a few times.

I hope he doesn't think I brought her here on purpose, Kendall thought, hanging back.

The door opened, and there he was, dressed casually in a linen shirt and some old work pants. Kendall realized she actually preferred this look rather than his fine suits. "Kendall, Lilith," he greeted, coming out onto the step. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Lilith blinked. "I came to talk to you. Um ... aren't you going to invite us in?"

"Oh, I would but now's not a good - " he was interrupted when someone appeared behind him. Mr. Shaw stood there, smiling out at them.

"Lilith!" he exclaimed, enveloping her in a warm hug. "How nice to see you. Where have you been?"

Lilith drew back, giving him a puzzled stare.

"Father," Logan spoke, taking hold of his shoulder. "Go back inside," he said gently.

"We've missed you, Lilith," Mr. Shaw went on. "Especially my boy here. When are the two of you going to give me grandchildren?"

Lilith blanched, as did Logan. "Excuse us a minute," Logan said, escorting his father back inside. Lilith glanced at Kendall in surprise, and she merely did a nervous smile. A moment later, Logan re-appeared alone, pulling the door firmly shut behind him. "Sorry about that, Lilith," he told her in a low voice, not quite meeting her eye.

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