Chapter 16- hello big brother

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Further into the train ride, I'd began to relax a little, as the twins entertained us by telling us about their future.
"We haven't got a name yet, but it's going to be a prank shop in diagon alley." George began.
"We'd do the shop in Hogsmede but they've already got Zonkos, so we've decided Diagon alleys probably best. And as for the name, we have no ideas." Fred said.

"How about Weasley jokes." Lee suggested, and the twins start to laugh, "fine but I don't see Y/N coming up with any ideas" he moans.

"I have one actually but it's stupid so no." I reply.
"Come on darling, it won't be stupid, we are open to all suggestions. Even shitty ones like Lees." He laughs, receiving the finger from Lee.

"Okay.... fine... what about." I began "Weasleys Wizard Wheezes?"
I look at three unreadable faces looking at me.
"What?" I ask.
"ITS PERFECT!" George shouts, grasping me in a hug and placing a kiss on my cheek.
I'm lost for words. The boys actually like the idea?
Next Fred jumps up and pulls me on to his lap, pulling me into a warm embrace. "I love it." He says, "Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. Absolutely perfect! Let's for now, keep this to ourselves though. At least until we are in final year. We don't want mum to find out."

"Why can't your mum know?" Lee asks.
"Well let's just say, she's not very fond of the idea really." George begins.
"Wants us to get a job at the ministry. Wants us involved in all the boring shit." Fred finishes.

"Well I'm sure she will come around. What about you Lee? What do you want to do after school?" I ask.
"Well I was thinking about doing something involved in commentating. Maybe do the World Cup and things like that." He says.

"You'd be perfect at that Lee." I say. I really could see Lee doing that, he had a gift with those sorts of things.

"What about you Y/N?" George asks as the three boys turn to me.
"Haven't got a clue to be honest, was thinking about an auror though. Lupin mentioned that I'm quite good at defensive spells." I say.
"I think that'd be perfect for you." George compliments.

"Yeah, you can take your anger out on someone else then." Lee adds.
"Oh shut up the pair of you." I scold whilst laughing.
Fred seems awfully quiet, "what's wrong Freddie?"
"Nothing, nothing." He says quickly.
"Yes there is, what's wrong?"
"Well, don't get me wrong I'd support you in anything, but you do realise that Aurors go after you-know-who, and his death eaters." Fred says.
"Course I do Freddie. That's why I want to do it." I say. Wow he really did care about me.
"Fine I'll allow it, but if you go getting hurt, you must promise me you'll stop and you'll come and just work in our shop."

I expect him to laugh, but the three boys just stand there looking at me, "your kidding me right? No chance. It's in the job, you get hurt , you get healed, try again when your fit enough. I'm not going to drop out at the first attack from Voldermort." They gasp a little at the use of the name, "what, fine you-know-who, I've done it before and still kept on trying!" I almost shout the last part.
"What?" They all say to me.
"Shit." I mumble.

"You've got some explaining to do." Fred says whilst the others nod along still in shock.
"There's nothing to explain!" I say, "I was only 5 months old!"

"You took on you-know-who at the age of 5 months Y/N! Do you have any idea how awesome that is." Lee says and George nods along eagerly.

"I didn't take him on! Most of it was just luck! If the spell hadn't have rebound on me then I'd be dead and Voldermort would have my abilities. It's not good guys, I lost my mum, my dad, my uncle, James, Lily, everyone who ever cared about me! It's me! I'm the reason James and Lily are dead! It's all my fault!" I shout, breaking down.

Fred makes his way over to me and pulls me into a hug, "it's not your fault darling."
"It is Freddie! It is! And I've got to live with it! I'm the reason Harry hasn't got any family! And I can't even bring up the courage to tell him." I sob.
"No it's not Y/N. Look I don't know the whole story, but you were 5 months old Y/N! There's nothing you could have done! Nothing at all! Please remember that." He says.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora