Din smiled looking at Cheshire, "Well, it looks like we have-agh!" he flew back suddenly.

"Din!-Ack!" Dil smashed into the wall hard.

Cheshire jumped up catching Din wrapping him in string and smashing into the floor with him.

"Raaaaaaaah!!" He jumped toward Dil who dug herself out.

He grabbed her face smashing it into the ground grinding it along as he ran.

She screamed in sheer pain. He threw her up into the air, Bell caught her hitting her into the ceiling and screaming.

The darkness engulfed them, they were swallowed by it.

Vaan knelt down by Al, "Al?" He said softly too scared to touch him. "Al?" He said again tears in his puppet eyes.

Zela appeared behind Din as he struggled to get up from the crack in the ground he made, Cheshire walked on all fours. He had five tails different for before now.

Din could feel the over flowing power, he saw the cat aura and screamed engulfed by it when Cheshire stood face to face with him.

"Diiiiin!!" Dil screamed and her scythe came back to her.

She cut Bell who screamed right after.

Al's eyes blinked, a fairy fluttered into him healing the massive cut.

Bell and the others vanished.

Cheshire was the only one who stood between the twins and Al.

"Cheshire.." he said and his ears twitched, he turned suddenly facing him.

His ears went down and the tails stopped swayed angrily. They lowered swaying sadly.

Al crawled over to him feeling the sting of the cut.

Cheshire reached out for him, his features changing back to normal. He smiled seeing he was okay.

"Al.." he said tiredly falling into Al's arms.


Cheshire opened his eyes to the warm touch on his lips. He looked and saw a small firefly bundled up on his lips, he felt the heat and heaviness of someone on his chest.

Lifting his head he saw Al's black hair. He smiled and the firefly moved slightly to his smile and awoke soon after.

"Brrr!" it yawned flying up and seeing he was awake.

Dil and Din were in a barrier healing from the beat down they had.

But they were lain near the wall so no one coming up would trip over them.

He and Al were right next to them.

The book and the scythe were together but chained down by chains that came out from the floor.

The firefly huddled back into the scarf around Al and Cheshire and disappeared again.

"You've been there.. this whole time?" He asked it and it poked its head out cutely, it nodded.

He lay his head back down, his body hurting all over. Closing his eyes he heard the small snore and Al moved.

"Cheshire?" he sat up slowly Cheshire smiled as the little firefly fluttered around Al and cuddled to his cheek.

"I'm glad to see you're okay," Cheshire said and the image of Dil's scythe through Al's chest flashed in his head. He frowned.

"But you're not.." Al almost cried. He looked at Din who was awake who looked back at Cheshire.

"You're world.." He whispered in pain, "Is falling apart," Cheshire narrowed his eyes.

"By seeing him.. hurt.." Dil added,

"You were consumed by darkness." they said together, "You will die soon." They said to Al.

"And.." Din took a small gasp of air,

"Will never.." Dil did the same

"See Wonderland again." Their eyes dulled. Their chests went still. The breath they had taken was one of their last.

Al didn't look knowing they had died. Down the hall the two pictures formed. Din and Dil right next to each other.

A small word carved itself into their names. "REST"

Tears streamed down his face, the chains released the weapons that faded into nothing.

He hiccuped and cried, Cheshire knew this. He knew it would happen and even so. He couldn't control himself.

Their death was one of wills. Cheshire gritted his teeth.

Al cried.

The halls were filled with a noted silence recorded in the frames of Din and Dil.

Al in WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now