CHAPTER VI. Fragments of the Past Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

He always found it so endearing to witness her every response to his constant teasing. Although he had never done so with the children or any other that he grew up with, the mischievous side of him just wanted to come out whenever they were together.

The girl who was always composed and smiling, sending others' hearts to flutter whenever they saw her, was flustered before him. Not to mention her kindness, her ability to get along with basically anyone, and her fondness for the village's children.

He had always seen her read through the day, perhaps helping the villagers in need in her free time.

Cooking for the children had also become one of her habits recently, he noticed, since they would always complain about Father Orsi's food—not that he had any say in it.

There were things he overlooked.

And there were also many things he noticed that no other did.

—he admired every side of her.

It took him a decade to confess and a decade passed to admit his feelings.

It was an indirect one, but it was the only one he could give. If Yuno was to be blunter, he guessed that Xierra would possibly faint on the spot.

His hand didn't let go of hers.

Instead, he held her smaller hand tighter. The heat of his palm seeped into hers, warming her and alerting her to stay awake to reality. He wanted to comfort her—assure her that everything will be all right.

Yuno noticed the worried look she sent to Asta's injured self.

He was jealous, but he wouldn't admit it out loud.

He knew that the words he said about how he would make Xierra his, were set in stone, he knew full well of it.

But there was a slight feeling of envy whenever she would worry for Asta.

Whenever she would call out for his name and remind him about dinner.

Whenever she would come and approach him to make sure he was okay.

All those little things watered his feeling of jealousy more and more, even though he knew—he knew all too well.

Closing his eyes, Yuno took a deep breath, calming himself. He shouldn't feel these things, it wasn't the right time, and it never was. But in the end, he wanted her all for himself, even if there were no others that would possibly take her from him.

He was committed.

"Urk...! It's heavy...!" Asta's words woke Yuno out of his thoughts. His hand tightened around Xierra's causing her to glance at him in slight puzzlement.

Both looked at Asta swinging his broad sword towards the mage who could do nothing but send his chains. His screams were second to none, Yuno and Xierra agreed with each other, attempting to block out his shrilling screams and trying to find a way to get Yuno's grimoire back.

Asta grinned, swinging his sword to counter Revchi's attacks. "I didn't think my muscles would come in handy like this!!"

"Asta," the blue-eyed female said his name in a hushed voice, eyes following the latter's every move. "I think... he's able to obtain it because he doesn't have any magical powers."

Yuno knew what she meant.

The sword Asta wielded appeared to be something they could never touch. The grimoire of anti-magic was only someone like Asta would have.

At the swings of Asta's sword, the wielder charged toward Revchi, ignoring his terrified screams of incoherent words.

"H-He nullified my magic?!"

[HIATUS] BLACK CLOVER: The Whisperer - Yuno GrinberryallWhere stories live. Discover now