twenty six

75 4 0

"hey mom." ricky says.
"hey ricky. hi nini." lynne says.
"hey lynne." i say. i feel weird calling her by her first name but she insisted.
"nini!" skylar says running toward me. i bend down and hug her.
"oh my goodness! she's so adorable!" mylie says.
"mom, this is gina, ej and mylie." ricky says.
"nice to meet you all. you can call me lynne." lynne says.
"nice to meet you too." they say.
"hi i'm todd." todd says. he's kind of awkward. we start walking inside and skylar holds my left hand while ricky holds my right hand.

we get to our table and luckily it was big enough to fit all of us. skylar wanted to sit next to me but so did ricky. so i sat between them and gina and ej sat next to skylar with todd and lynne on the other side of ricky.
"hello. welcome. here are your menus." the waiter says giving us our menus and giving skylar a kiddy menu. "is there anything that any of you would like to drink."
"can i have a shirley temple?" gina asks.
"two more shirley temples please." ricky says.
"apple juice for her." lynne says referring to skylar. "and two waters."
"okay. and how about you?" the waiter asks.
"orange juice. thanks." ej says.
"okay. i'll have that right out for you." the waiter says.
"thank you." todd says. the waiter smiles and walks away.
"so how have you all been doing?" mylie asks.
"we've been great. just settling into our new house."
"that's great." mylie says.
"do you like it?" gina asks.
"i like it!" skylar says. we all laugh a little. we all look at our menus.
"what do you want neens?" ricky asks me while everyone else at our table is talking.
"um, i don't know. what are you getting?" i ask him.
"debating if i should eat or if i should snack." i giggle at his comment.
"i'll probably get the chicken noodle soup."
"they don't have jello."
"ricky, why would they have jello?"
"i want jello."
"but they don't have jello."
"exactly." i shake my head.
"what are you getting skylar?" i say turning towards skylar who was drawing on her kiddy menu.
"um, i'm getting soup. mac and cheese."
"hold up. they have mac and cheese?" i say looking through my menu again. i found it.
"okay." the waiter says coming with our drinks. and putting them in front of each of us. "here you go."
"thank you." we all say. i sip some of my drink.
"okay, are you ready to order?" the waiter asks.
"i think so." everyone starts putting in their orders.
"neens what are you getting?" ricky asks me while everyone is still putting in their orders.
"probably mac and cheese. you?" i ask.
"okay, and you two?" the waiter asks. before i could get a chance to speak ricky put in my order for me.
"spaghetti and she'll get mac and cheese." he says.
"i'll have that right out for you." the waiter says and walks away. i guess ricky and i where unknowingly holding hands because suddenly i missed the warmth of his hand as he let go.

i thought is was really gentlemen like of ricky to order for nini. he's becoming a nice young man. but there's not a day that goes by that i don't regret moving away from him.
"you okay sweetie?" todd asks pulling me away from my thoughts.
"oh yeah, i'm fine." i say shooting him a small smile.

"okay heres your food. and yours." the waiter says bringing sky and ej their plates. "i'll have the rest of yours in just a minute." the waiter walks away.
"food!" sky says.
"yup." my mom says.
everyone stay silent for a while. it wasn't awkward but it was all good.
"okay here's your food." the waiter says outing everyone else's food in front of them. "is there anything else you need?"
"i think we're good for now." todd says.
"okay, enjoy." the waiter says walking away.
"wow this is great." mylie says while eating. i start eating my spaghetti.

some kids asked nini and i for a picture but we told them we were eating and that they might get one when we leave. i kind of felt embarrassed in front of my mom but i just brushed it off.


everyone was done eating so we were packing up our stuff now. sky was the only one that didn't finish her food but you'd expect that from an almost 3 year old.

sky didn't want nini to leave. neither did i. i wanted to hold her in my arms and never let her go. then again i always want to do that.

everyone says their goodbyes to each other and everyone gets in their cars and drives home.


"bye bubs. i love you." nini says as we walk to her door.
"i love you too bug." i give her a quick kiss but that kiss leads to multiple kisses then to longer more passionate kisses.
"okay that's enough." i hear dana say. no!
"bye bubs." nini says giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking inside.
"bye neens." i say walking to my car.

niniricky and i were walking through the streets of slc

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ricky and i were walking through the streets of slc. it was the best day. we were walking across the street and the car wouldn't stop moving. it was coming right at me. i tried to run but i couldn't. i was stuck. then everything went dark.

as i start to open my eyes and look around, i see him laying on the ground. not moving. i ran over to him and held him in my arms. hoping he wasn't...
"ricky? ricky, wake up." i say shaking him. "someone call 911! ricky please don't leave me!" i start full on sobbing. "bubs. d-don't leave me. i-i need y-you. r-ricky..."

i wake up sweating with tears rolling down my face. i check the time. it's 2 am. the first thing i think about is ricky. i grab my phone and call him. luckily, he answers pretty quickly.
"hey, what's up?" he says softly.
"a-are you okay?" i ask sniffling.
"yeah i'm fine. are you okay? have you been crying?"
"i'm fine." i pause. "actually i'm not." i told him about my dream and every that happened.
"don't worry bug, it was just a dream." he says trying to make me feel better it worked a little.
"but it didn't feel like a dream."
"do you want me to come over?"
"no. it's fine." i say hesitantly. meaning yes i did want him to come over.
"okay. i'll be there in a second." i smile.
"okay." i say then hang up.

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