Lion 2: The Movie

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At the Beach House, Connie showed Steven and Ezra a movie trailer for Dogcopter 3 on her phone.

The trailer played scenes of a city on fire.

"Some people say..."

People in helicopters flew in.

"You can't teach..."

An evil giant robot attacked the city, as the helicopters approached it.

"An old dog..."

A robotic dog looked up.

"New tricks..."

The robot destroyed the helicopters.

"Unless you're..."

A girl and the dog looked and nodded at each other, and the dog sprouted propellers in its back.

"Dogcopter 3 in 3D!"

The dog flew toward the robot and shot a missile from its butt at the robot.

"This February, the fur hits the fan!"

"Whooaaa... I can see why this is your favorite film franchise." Steven said in awe.

"So it's a dog/helicopter species?" Ezra asked.

"That's right!" Connie replied before she adjusted her glasses. "In a world where humanity is pushed to the brink, it turns out that the one who is most human, is a dog! -Copter."

"And did you see where that missile came out of?" Steven asked.

"Yeah." Connie blushed with a chuckle. "I just hope it stays faithful to the book."

Suddenly, the warp pad beamed in.

"Whooaaa..." Connie said in awe.

"Don't worry, this is how we travel for missions." Ezra explained.

"The Gems are back." Steven said.

Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst appeared on the warp pad in different poses.

"Greetings." Garnet said.

"Oh! Well, hello, Connie! What a surprise to see you!" Pearl said as she noticed Connie.

"We're gonna watch a movie about a wacky, flying dog!" Steven said. "Show 'em Connie!"

"I mean, it's about, much more than that." Connie added before she held up her phone to the Gems.

On the phone screen, Dogcopter barked with a caption reading "COMING SOON".

"Oh-ho-ho, that's easy!" Amethyst said before she shapeshifted into Dogcopter and flew into the air.

"Amethyst can shapeshift." Ezra informed to Connie. "It's part of her gem powers."

"Whoooaaa?!" Connie said in amazement.

"Who needs to go see movies when you've got, magiiiiiccc!" Amethyst said.

Amethyst shapeshifted her head into a boombox and started playing up-beat tempo music. Garnet bobbed her head to the beat, while Pearl groaned in annoyance.

"Aw, stop showin' off, Amethyst." Steven said. "Connie promises that this movie's even better than any magic."

"I did not say that." Connie corrected.

"And check this out!" Steven said before he walked over to the kitchen counter and pointed to the snacks on top. "We got our own snacks."

"My parents say I'm not allowed to buy snacks at the theater, So, we're not buying anything at the theater." Connie explained to Garnet and Pearl.

Ezra In Beach City (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz