Tiger Millionaire

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At the Crystal Temple, the Crystal Gems warped back onto the Crystal Temple Warp Pad. Ezra became annoyed as Pearl was scolding Amethyst for her recklessness.

"How could you POSSIBLY think punching a blood polyp was a good idea?" Pearl scolded. "Look at all the gunk you got on me!" She flicked away a small piece of gunk on her arm. "And look at Steven!"

"It's not so bad once you get used to it." Steven replied as he was covered in thick gunk except for his face.

"See? He likes it." Amethyst smiled.

"He certainly won't like it when it hardens." Pearl recalled.

"Uhh, what?" Steven asked worriedly, before he waddled away. "Umm, I'm gonna go wash."

"He shouldn't have been so close in the first place." Pearl said.

Steven waddled toward the fridge, but the gunk hardened him in place.

"Uh oh." Ezra said as he walked over to Steven.

"How was I supposed to know they pop?" Amethyst argued.

"Uh, guys?" Steven asked.

"You're always PUTTING us in danger with your little outbursts!" Pearl replied.

Amethyst put her fingers in her ears and sticked out her tongue playfully.

"Ugh, you are just... SO... CHILDISH!" Pearl complained.

"Yeah, yeah. And don't forget 'reckless', 'vulgar', 'loud mouth'. And that's just what makes me so AWESOME!" Amethyst added before she yelled. "RIGHT, GARNET?!?"

"Amethyst, you are a Crystal Gem. You need to act like it." Garnet said as she shifted her visor while Pearl crossed her arms.

"Fine." Amethyst grumbled before she turned around and walked into her room through the temple gate.

"I think we really got through to her!" Pearl smiled, that made Garnet groan. "Right, Garnet?"

Garnet and Pearl both leave the house, as they ignored Steven.

"Guys?" Steven asked as he was still trapped.

"Don't worry, bud." Ezra reassured as he created a teal psychic energy hammer in his hands. "I can get you out of that."

As Ezra hit the hammer against the gunk, it immediately broke into nothingness as it made contact.

"This could take a while." Ezra said.


At night, Steven was fast asleep in the hardened shell of the gunk while Ezra kept making tools to break the gunk with red eyes from being super tired. The Temple Gate opened that woke up Steven and made Ezra look up, tiredly. Amethyst rushed out of the door, wearing a cape, and left the house. Steven fell over and the mold shattered, that freed him.

"Amethyst?" Steven murmured in curiosity. "Ezra, go get some rest while I go follow her."

"Okay." Ezra said blankly before he walked to the window still and fell asleep.

Steven followed Amethyst, who was shapeshifting as she ran to a warehouse.


At the abandoned warehouse, Steven peeked through a window of the warehouse and saw Mr. Smiley emceeing a wrestling tournament, while Amethyst revealed herself as a wrestler in the center of the ring.

"For those of you befuddled by the events of athleticism, you are about to see the Purple Puma, rrraah, is the single most hated wrestler in Beach City Underground's... HIS-TO-RYYY!" Mr. Smiley announced.

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