Chapter 07: Cambiare (Or, to change)

Start from the beginning

"Who is that?"

"I think they called him Koenma," Yukina replied. "Both Team Toguro and Team Urameshi needed a fifth fighter to stand in place of lost members."


That name sounded familiar and important, but Asuka couldn't risk letting her ki out to divine the feeling. Something within her was still vibrating because of the tournament. For now, it was paramount she keep it locked away. After the finals were over she could speak to Koenma herself and see what her Insight brought to light.

Standing in for Team Toguro was Sakyo, and the moment she looked at him he returned eye contact with a slight smile.

There's no doubt about it, he wants me under his service, Asuka thought. But I have faith in the boys.

Last night after playing piano for the yokai outside the hotel, Asuka was sorely tempted to push her Foresight into telling her what the tournament results would be. But the boys had adamantly requested she not tell them the outcome of their matches. Even if they lost, they would rather lose honestly then win by knowing. Asuka respected that, but she still feared for their safety.

I told Yukina I trusted Kurama. That's all we can do right now. Trust the boys to surmount the odds that are against them and grow stronger in the process.

Karasu began walking up to the tournament stage with his gaze locked on Kurama. But then Karasu turned his head ever so slightly, allowing his eyes to land on Asuka before shifting them back to Kurama. In response, Kurama did the same. Asuka saw the determination in his features.

I won't let them, he seemed to say, before he became refocused on his opponent.

Kurama stepped onto the stage and took a stance after Juri declared they could begin. His arms stretched elegantly, and wind began to emanate from the center of his ki. Rose petals began to flow outward in a spiral and the wind pushed his long hair to blow behind him. His face was set in a calm focus.

He's so beautiful, Asuka thought. A deadly beauty unlike anything I've ever seen before.

Karasu took steps toward Kurama and was cut by one of the petals, but he was not deterred. Kurama continued to hold his arms in a fixed position. There were several explosions and all of Kurama's roses, which were his defense, vanished. Kurama's impassive face instantly became one of surprise.

No. Kurama!

He jumped backward and pulled out a rose whip, attempting to hit Karasu and keep him from getting too close. The yokai simply moved his hand and the whip was torn in two. Judging from Kurama's face, Karasu was speaking to him, but what he was saying, remained unknown.

Kurama told me he was going to test an ability that would beat Karasu. If it didn't work, he wouldn't have agreed to this match. There's got to be something else, I know it!

But Asuka knew plans went awry all the time. What if Kurama was having a hard time because his plan failed?

She clenched her hand on her leg again, trying to not let her panic agitate the unstable ki inside. There was still time. Kurama was dodging just fine. His movements were refined and precise as he used the stage's space to his advantage.

But it was a losing battle. Karasu was gaining ground, and it wouldn't be long before....

"Karasu has gotten a hit on contestant Kurama!" Koto shouted.

He fell to the ground clutching his arm and his face contorted with pain. The same fear Asuka saw in her Foresight was being displayed in front of her. It was so contrary to the Kurama she was used to seeing and it felt wrong. Karasu jumped backward while he showed a glowing apparition in his palm. He moved like a bat as he floated upward, putting distance between himself and Kurama. The entire stage lit up in an explosion.

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