30. Kendall: On A Mission

Start from the beginning

"I want to know how it came about. I find it hard to imagine Lilith being part of something like that."

"Really? You find it hard to imagine that she would jump at the chance to beat me at something?"

"What is it between the two of you that you feel compelled to outdo the other?"

"You mean like between you and Brandon, with your duel?"

"That's different."

"At least in our bet no one was hurt."

"Not physically," he said, a little sharply. "The wounds you can see heal much faster than the ones you don't."

She frowned, then grudgingly admitted, "Alright. Fair enough. But you have to believe me – I never meant to hurt anyone, least of all you."

"Yet, you didn't want me reuniting with Lilith."

"She broke your heart."

"That doesn't make it right."

Kendall drew to a stop, facing him. "Is that why you came back to Coser? To win her back?"

"No, I came back for my father. You know this."

"I only know what you told me."

"Wait, why are you getting so upset?"

Kendall told herself to draw a breath in order to calm down. "I just want you to believe me."

"You just want me to believe what?"

"That I would never make use of you for a bet. The whole idea of it was wrong and stupid – I see that now. And I think Lilith does too, that's why she called it off."

"No more bet?"


"Good. I'm glad to hear that." He nodded down the road. "Come on. Let's keep going."

They began walking again, and as the moments fell away, so did the worst of the tension.

"It's just as well," Kendall muttered, looking off into the brush. "It's obvious I had no chance of winning anyway."

"What about you and Tyler Black?"

"What about him?" she said, scowling.

"Brandon told me you two are now engaged."

"Out of necessity. His stupid lies have gotten us into this mess, and now we can't get out."

"So you don't want to marry him?"

"Of course not! After everything he's done?"

"What if the bet were still in effect? How would you feel about marrying him then?"

"I would still feel the same way – that he's a vile little toad and I hope he never comes back to Coser."

"So he's not the one."

"The one what?"

"The one you like. The one you told me about that night at Hurtmore."

Kendall blinked, then shook her head. "No, of course not. That's ... someone else."

"I don't know why you're so afraid to tell me who it is."

"Because it would be a huge embarrassment. Trust me on that."

"He's not married, is he?"

"No. Give me some credit, Logan."

"I was just checking," he defended himself. He paused, lightly raking a hand through his hair. "Do you really like this man?"

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