29. Lilith: Taking A Stand

Start from the beginning

Lilith's father flipped his gaze between them, disconcerted. "Lilith, what is the meaning of this?"

"Well, this explains a great deal," Regina said with a surprised chuckle. Did she find this amusing?

Lilith blinked rapidly. "Father, I - "

"No, Lilith, I don't want to hear it," he cut her off.

She made a sullen face, not bothering to hide it for once.

"It's time to go home."

"I'm needed here, Father."

"Needed? For what?"

"For support," she answered, tightening her fingers over Brandon's.

"Do not test my patience, the both of you."

Lilith opened her mouth to say something, but was surprised when Regina beat her to it with a few simple words, "Let her stay."

Her father turned, just as surprised. "What?"

"Let her stay, Richard. Look at them." She nodded between Lilith and Brandon. There was something gentle and envying in her eyes.

"Gina, you've not been in Coser for very long, so you don't know who this boy is."

"Oh? Alright then, who is he?"

"Brandon Moore, the biggest charmer in town."

"He's a hero," Kendall piped up bravely.

Lilith's father shook his head, unimpressed.

"Come now, Richard," Regina said to him. "Isn't this what you wanted? For Lilith to find someone who would take care of her?"

"Yes, someone who could offer her stability, security, a comfortable life. Someone who could take care of her and the twins if anything happens to me."

"I know you want the best for her. But it's been years, and things haven't worked out as you'd hoped. Perhaps we should leave it to her to choose for herself."

"But him? He's hardly better than - " Lilith's father stopped himself, but did a telltale glance at Logan over by the stairs.

"Can't you see how much they care for each other? Come on, even you have a romantic side. Remember?"

He let out a frustrated sigh. He seemed to be losing the will to argue with her. He turned to Lilith, a frown creating deep lines between his brows. "We'll discuss this later."

Lilith watched in astonishment as her father turned and headed out the door. Her stepmother lingered a moment, doing a mild shrug. "Don't worry, Lilith. I'll talk to him."

"I ... thank you."

Regina turned away, and Lilith watched them argue further as they climbed into the carriage. It drove off in a trailing stream of dust, and quiet descended over all of them for a moment. "Did that just happen?"

"Apparently so," Brandon murmured, sounding just as dazed.

Kendall took a few steps forward, standing beside her. "Lilith. That was amazing."

"Uh, well."

"Are you alright?"

She nodded, sinking down to the floor near Brandon. "I can't believe she stood up for me," she went, shaking her head.

Brandon gazed at her. "Do you think she'll convince him to let us ...?"


Everyone was watching him intently now, wanting to hear the rest of what he had to say. He blinked self-consciously. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

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