She carefully lowers herself to the floor of the vehicle then opened the door. The way down was pretty high, but her need for sweets was too great to back down.

She counts to four then hops down. She falls on her knees, but bounces up excitedly.

Giggles emit from her as her little feet move fast towards the building. When she got to the door, the knob was low enough for her to open it. The door was a bit hard to open due to its heaviness, but she managed to get it open.

She steps inside and immediately knew that it wasn't a candy shop like she expected.

She didn't see a colorful assortment of chocolates and taffy. No, she walked in on something completely different.

She found herself in a small, dimly lit room where a table sat in the middle. The walls were covered in soundproof foam, explaining the blacked out windows.

On top of the table were different weapons and what seemed to be drugs. Jade gets slightly closer, standing on her tiptoes for a better look.

She frowns when she still couldn't see. She looks around and climbs up on the nearest chair to marvel at what she's seeing.

For a small child, her love for action and horror films had her educated enough to know exactly what she's looking at.

Right in front of her was a golden handgun gutted out with bullets scattered about. To her left was a photo of a young man with red scribbles over his eyes; on top of it was a sharp knife with dried blood on it. And beside that was an empty revolver.

She picks up one of the bullets and examines it a bit. Then she stares down at the gun. She daringly picks it up, admiring the cool, heavy metal in her small hands.

She's only ever seen them on TV. She was in awe at how they look up close and personal.

Her eyes take in every detail, her tiny fingers running over it slowly. She sets it down after another second then picks up a black cartridge full of new bullets and noticed they don't match the ones on the table.

She studies everything in front of her then began playing with the gun, pretending she's in an action movie.

"I'm only gonna ask one time," she says while messing around with the revolver. "Where's me money?" She looks around the empty table at her posse.

"So no one knows who took it? Me £10,000 just disappeared?" She hums and nods, eyes locked on the gun. She picks up the equally cold bullets and began putting them in the chamber.

She internally giggled because she felt so grown up. This is better than candy.

"If I don't get a name in five seconds, I'm gonna blow one of yous bloody head off," she says in as scary of a voice as she could muster, snapping the cylinder back in place.

"One," she starts, spinning the cylinder until it slows then spins it again. "Two," she picks up the knife then digs it into the picture of the man. "Three," she glares at the silence, cocking the hammer back as if she's familiar with it.

"Four," she points the gun ahead of her, aiming at nothing.

"Hey! How'd you get-," a sudden voice startles the child and she accidentally fires the gun, hitting him right in his throat. His hands grip his neck, eyes bulging as blood spurted everywhere and ruined his stark white shirt.

She cries as the force shatter her wrist and she cradles her hand. Multiple footsteps approach the room and two more men plus her father come in, drawing their weapons.

High School Sweethearts: BLOODLUSTNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ