𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺-𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦.

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THIRTY THREE love bites

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"I'M NOT GOING." bella said as she opened her locker and placed her books inside. "just tell coach that i got my period."

"oh please." chrissy said as she stood beside bella's locker. "don't let him get the best of you, besides you two are broken up, that means you can look around for another potential prom date. once word got around about you and johnny splitting up, guys are lining up to take you to prom."

"you're forgetting how johnny can be." bella said as she closed her locker and grabbed her backpack. "he'll beat up the first guy who asks me. i'm not going to prom, not so he can scare away any potential date and end up going with someone else just to spite me."

"c'mon bella! it's the senior prom!" chrissy said as she followed bella who was heading to her car to head home. "it's the only prom you're getting. forget about johnny, just go and have a good time."

"chrissy, it still hurts." bella sighed as she attempted to hold back her tears. "i'm going home."

"you're really gonna let big, bad johnny lawrence get under your skin?" chrissy said as she watched bella get in the driver's seat of her mercedes. "i thought you were tougher than that. what happened to the isabella monroe that didn't take shit from him? we need her back."

bella sighed as she took her seatbelt off and got out of the car. she grabbed her gym bag and sling it around her shoulder as she stood in front of chrissy, who was smiling.

"atta girl." chrissy smirked as she walked with bella to gym class. "he's gonna regret letting you go."

during gym class, bella and chrissy ran some laps around the soccer field and as they ran, the guys did their soccer drills. during their soccer drills, johnny often turned to stare at bella. he sighed as he admired the girl he once had, but now lost. of course, his pride wasn't gonna let him go up to her and apologize. while he stared at her, dylan carter, who was captain of the soccer team, noticed him staring at bella.

"too busy drooling over your ex, lawrence?" dylan said as he came up to johnny. "what'd you do this time?"

"it's none of your concern." johnny said.

"i hear she doesn't have a prom date." dylan smirked. "if you don't mind, i'll be asking her. she's gorgeous. tell me johnny boy, is she as tight as she looks?"

"watch it, carter." johnny said as he shoved dylan to the side. "i'd shut my mouth if i were you, before i kick your ass."

"ooh, easy there king cobra. remember she ain't yours anymore." dylan laughed as he stood face to face with johnny. "so if she's not with you anymore, you wouldn't mind if i got a piece of that ass, right?"

johnny pushed dylan to the ground as the other guys ran to where the two boys were about to fight. "you should've kept your mouth shut." johnny said as he clenched his fists and the guys held him back. "watch your back, carter. i fucking mean it."

bella saw all that from the sidelines and sighed to herself before making eye contact with johnny. she looked down and back at him before running back to where chrissy was. she hadn't made eye contact with him in days, which she missed looking into his baby blues. she missed him.

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