Chapter 06: Hohe Liebe (Or, the first movement)

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It's as if I was never there, he thought, glib.

He darted away and made his way back to his testing spot in the middle of the forest. It had been ten minutes or so since the drug had taken effect. He needed to be somewhere secluded and safe after the time limit was up, whenever that would be. There was a chance the drug would leave him incapacitated after he changed back.

The setting sun peaked through the trees, illuminating a violet on the forest floor. He knelt and whispered to it, telling it to grow big and strong. The violet shivered, and its stalk flowed upwards, the pedals elongating until the flower was as large as his face. He smiled tenderly at it, thinking how easy and how little effort growing required in this body.

His Yoki was beginning to dwindle, and he felt his Yoko body being pulled back into the seed that was deposited deep within himself. He closed his eyes as time sprung back to its original place and he was in the body of Shuichi Minamino once again. He dropped to all fours on the forest floor, and breathed deeply from the rush.

Eventually, he was able to sit cross-legged on the ground and he looked at the violet he'd manipulated. It was amazing how that amount of his own Yoki could cause him to feel so different. He'd been drunk on it. So mischievous and brimming over with love-of-self. He laughed and shook his head, his voice a higher pitch then what it was three minutes ago. But aside from the sensation of coming down from a high, Kurama felt no other affects from the drug. He sat patiently and waited fifteen minutes before taking another swallow.

Again, it took about seven minutes for the drug to take effect, and to Kurama's utter delight, he found himself as Yoko once again. For this round, Kurama decided to practice some martial arts forms so he could adjust to his former speed. He started with the basics but quickly amped up the complexity of his movements.

An adjustment period is not necessary, Kurama realized with a leering grin. I am my true form again. I do not need to remember how to move this way.

He felt as though his movements were a dance. He flipped, turned, ducked, and spun with a keen awareness of his surroundings. The pulse of the forest and the air thrummed through his hypersensitive ears. Each sense was sharpened to extremes not enjoyed in his human body. Oh, how he longed for tomorrow! To fight like this, to be able to show off his beauty and grace to the crowd, to crush Karasu under the weight of his superiority.

Kurama ran his sharpened nails through the silver of his hair. What would Karasu think of his hair now? Would he be disappointed Kurama was going to fight him in the body of a man, and not a young boy? Kurama snarled. Just thinking about that pretentious yokai made him long to sink his claws into that man's flesh.

In due course.

The drug began to ware off, and Kurama experienced the same sensation turning back into the body of Shuichi Minamino; coming down from a high. Thinking about how much power he had at his disposal made him dizzy, and part of him longed for his old form to be permanent. Only....

I'd never be able to see Mother again.

Unacceptable. It was the reason he hadn't done away with his human side to begin with. No matter how much power he gained, no matter how much he loved running around as Yoko, he would never abandon her. He would never betray her. He would never cause her grief. Kurama shook his head and placed his hand on his temples, breathing deeply.

Instead of waiting fifteen minutes, Kurama waited thirty, just to be safe. His Yoko form could obviously be a danger to his psyche and he didn't want to overdo it. Still, the drug had only been tried out twice. The results were similar, but he needed to test it a few more times to feel confident of its predictability. That could be the life or death of him in battle.

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