Zacaradoss the Sea Cave Monster: Chapter 2 (Last Chapter)

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Zacaradoss the Sea Cave Monster

Chapter 2

Then she saw a light, a blinding dazzling light, the closer it came to her the more she could make out who it was, it was her great great gran. She hadn't actually met her great great gran, but she had seen pictures of her.

She said to Judy “Judy child, please do not be afraid of me”

Judy froze, and stared at her great great gran, Judy could not believe that this was real, it seemed like a big dream to her.

“I..I'm not afraid... of you, but I need you to tell me how to get out of here. So I can go back to the real world” Judy said crying her heart out

“There is only one way”

“What, I will do anything”

“It's quite simple actually, hold my hand” Judy takes hold of her great great gran's hand. They start to float, a bright light appears around them both, they start to twist round slowly.

“What's happening ?” ask Judy, but she finds herself back on the outside of the cave talking to herself, then she sees a circular light, float up to the air.

She knew that this was her great great gran's spirit, going to heaven to rest in peace, and just as the spirit disappeared she heard a voice in her head say “Thank you, Judy I was trapped there for many, many years, but now I am free and I shall be able to live a peaceful after life, I thank you once again, and now I bid you farewell”

A tear comes to Judy's eyes once again “Although I never truly met you gran, I will miss you dearly” she hears someone shout on her, it was Sammy.

“Hey Judy” shout Sammy as he runs up to her “Hey Judy, why are you crying ?” ask Sammy

“Oh what, oh no reason”, Sammy starts to laugh

“You know what Judy I never really did understand you, but some how you're my best friend”

“Thanks, I think” replies Judy, Sammy wipes the tears away from Judy's eyes, he runs his hand through her hair then says “Although, I never did understand you and I probably never will, I still love you” Sammy gives Judy a short but sweet kiss on the lips

“I love you too” whispers Judy

“Anyway, do you want to go into the cave today”

“What, one minute you're all romantic, then the next you're back to you're normal way” shouts Judy

“Well, what you going to do about it”

“Some people never change” says Judy while shaking her head

“Well that's me for you, anyway do you want to go in the cave or not”

“Whatever, and no, no way am I going in there”

“What are too chicken”

“NO” shouts Judy, she then grabs him by the arm and runs as far away along the beach as possible, to get away from the cave...

The End !!!

Short Stories by Lisa BradleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora