Chapter 7: The Truth

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If she wasn't kidnapped and if the man she was with now loves her, Alyanna would feel like a princess in a fairy tale. The castle was huge and majestic with high brick walls and paintings in all corners. The grand staircase loomed over in the foyer leading to both the east and the west wings.

She felt as if anytime now, a queen would emerge going down the steps to welcome her.

But there were only maids and guards following them and holding their suitcases as they opened a huge suite for her. Konstantin was gone as soon as they entered the palace, mentioning that he has to quickly greet his father before he could join her.

And now, she was in the balcony holding her gaze on the most spectacular view she's ever seen. There was a river on the far left side of the estate and she could see horses freely grazing. On the other end stood a vineyard with acres of land planted with grapes.

"Your things are all in the closet now, mademoiselle," a petite European maid announced. "We will prepare for your breakfast here in the balcony. Please wait for a while and we'll be back." The maid went out along with the other maids. She was left alone for the first time in her life since she was kidnapped by Konstantin.

But surely, there were guards stationed outside their room. She knew he didn't trust her now to be left alone.

She peeked inside the room to see a huge four-poster bed fit for a queen. The furniture were all very Italian and grand. Then, she walked towards the door and peeked outside. True enough, guards were stationed outside.

"I wish to see the west wing," she announced to his men. Their room was currently in the east wing and she wanted to check the view from the other side of the castle. "You can come if you life. I'm not trying to escape, simply trying to appreciate the place."

The guard just kept quiet and followed her as she walked down the halls. The walls were lined with portraits of people she didn't know, probably old ancestors of the Sokolov family. There were names inscribed below each portrait.

"Denaro," she read out loud. Their Italian surname must be Denaro.

She walked along the walls reading and regarding each portrait with such great care. There were Sokolovs and Denaros lining the whole wall that she wondered if there was a painting of his great kidnapper somewhere.

She saw an open receiving room with a fireplace in the middle. Above the fireplace loomed a portrait of an old man... a scary-looking man that seemed to have torture a lot of souls in his lifetime. He looked like an older version of Konstantin Sokolov but meaner in stature as well.

Then, there was a shout. There were double doors leading to another room inside the receiving room but it was closed.

"Bringing an enemy in my castle, you fool!" she heard through those doors. She went nearer but her body guard caught her arm and pulled her back.

"My lady, it's time to go back," he warned and held her arm firmly.

She heard a muffled answer but she had a feeling it was Konstantin inside, talking.

Then another shout came. "A Torres, for heaven's sake! You knew where she came from and yet you still brought her here. Can't find any other whore out there, can't you? You are just like my brother, a weakling in love."

Her bodyguard pulled her back again, stronger this time around. "My lady, we need to get back to your room now!"

"Wait, let me go!" she insisted and pushed her ears on the doors to listen more. Did she here them right? She heard her surname mentioned. Torres.

But the doors pushed open and she was pushed back by the impact to her bodyguard's arms. Opening the door was a mad Konstantin with eyes blazing. And what she saw behind him scared her even more... it was the old man in the portrait above the fireplace. He was older and more frail but the eyes were cold and lifeless.

She saw how the old man looked at her... was it anger? Hatred? But why when they've never even met?

"Alyanna, what are you doing here?" Konstantin's voice boomed. He looked at her then assessed the situation. It finally dawned on him that she was eavesdropping. In anger, he hurled her to his shoulders like a light sack of rice and carried her quickly out of the room.

Alyanna was late to react and she could only squeal in surprise as she was hurled upwards by the man in front of her, blocking her vision of the Great Old Man who was looking at her with so much hatred. Konstantin quickly brought her out of the room and back into their master suite.

As soon as they were back in the room and alone, he threw her onto the huge bed then started shouting profanities.

"He never fuckin' changed! That asshole of a man!"

"Who is he, Konstantin? Who the hell is he?"

"You don't follow any of my orders, do you? I specifically told you to wait here for breakfast didn't I? Yet you come out and stumble on the very person I told you to never ever attempt to meet."

"So he is your father, I see," she said. "Why does he know me?"

Konstantin looked at her, not giving away any emotion now.

"I know he knows me. He mentioned my name Torres. How does he know me? Do you know me before?"

He shook his head. "This is none of your concern. I've been kind to you lately, mi cara. But I guess it's time to show my claws now. You've been such a very bad girl and I won't be going light on you this time. A punishment is needed for you to fucking listen to me once and for all!"

So he grabbed her on both her shoulders.

What he did next shook her.

He crashed her lips onto hers and went beside her on the bed. She tried to resist him by pushing him over but he was stronger. He was able to quickly trap her below him now, with both her arms above her head. His tongue and lips have gone down on her neck, leaving tiny kisses in its wake that was starting to drive Alyanna crazy.

She screamed and thrashed underneath him to no avail. His strength was starting to scare her now.

"Let! Me! Go!" she shouted in between her attempts to escape but she was helpness now. "Please! Konstantin!"

He wasn't listening. He was deaf to her cries of help now.

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