Chapter 05: Accent (Or, a momentary emphasis on a particular melodic detail)

Start from the beginning

Her friends laughed, and Shizuru looked around at the other girls. "I think that will work. Botan is the only one not completely dressed. Better hurry up, Botan."

"Two minutes!" she declared before scampering off to the bathroom.

Once Botan was ready, Keiko picked up Pusuke and the five girls walked down to the hotel's restaurant. The same host that Asuka saw yesterday sat them at a booth. Asuka slid in first, then Botan, then Yukina. Across from them was Shizuru and Keiko. Once they were seated, the hostess gave them some menus.

"I'm so hungry," Botan whined. "And yesterday I had to watch Asuka eat all this delicious food, but I didn't get to have any of it!"

Asuka laughed and Keiko put down her menu for a moment. "Delicious food?"

"Sakyo gave me dinner before the evening started," Asuka replied. "I think it was the same as what they were having. It was so good. My mouth is watering just thinking about it."

Botan pouted, and that produced a small giggle from Yukina.

"We'd better figure out what we want to eat," Shizuru said looking through the menu. "We don't have that much time."

The girls nodded in agreement, and silence fell over the table as they tried to make a quick decision.

I had the house breakfast yesterday, so maybe I'll go for something not so traditional.

After everyone had made up their mind Shizuru pressed the button to ring the server, and it only took him a couple of minutes to arrive. The only indication he was a yokai was the pointy ears that stuck out through his shaggy black hair. He bowed, then took out a pad to write down their orders.

"I'll start," Asuka said. "I'll have coffee with cream and the waffles."

Shizuru lifted her hand. "Coffee for me as well with the house breakfast."

"Tea for me," Botan said. She then got a devious look on her face. "American breakfast. Scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, and western-style pancakes."

Both Shizuru and Keiko eyed Botan and shook their heads.

"What?" Botan asked incredulously. "I told you I was hungry."

The server ignored their banter and directed his attention to Keiko.

"Tea please, and I'll have the waffles."

Yukina stared at her menu for a little bit longer before putting it down. "I'll have the herbal tea please. And may I have some miso soup, pickled radishes, and a bowl of rice?"

Their server nodded and bowed before leaving. When he returned with their drinks, Asuka gleefully took the coffee from the server's hands. The warm ceramic heated her fingers as she set it down. After mixing some cream in it, Asuka sipped, and sighed.

"Do you like coffee, Asuka?" Keiko asked.

She looked up at her friend with a large smile. "I love coffee. The smile waned as she looked down at the cup. "It's strange, isn't it? I know I love coffee, but I can't remember anything about who I am."

Botan placed a hand on Asuka's shoulder in comfort, but otherwise said nothing. Instead, the conversation moved on to what they hoped would be at the open-air market. When the food arrived, everyone quickly dove into their meals, Botan most of all. Asuka felt like she truly belonged in the group, instead of just being an outsider who needed help. After the tab was paid, they made their way outside of the stadium, stretching in the sun with full bellies and full hearts.

"Oh!" Botan squealed excitedly. "I think I know a shortcut to the stadium!"

Asuka lifted her eyebrow at Botan with an amused expression. "Unless you've been to the new stadium before last night, how would you know a shortcut? Let's just go the way we went before. It wasn't far."

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