Part 56.

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"Waaaaaaaa" tried to scare you Benji. But you knew he was there. Steve screamed and almost fell. You all started to laugh. "Oh my god Benji, you scared my soul of me" Steve laughed and hugged Benji. He smirked at Steve and you all laughed again. "Mom, Dad you're alright?" ran twins to your room with fear on their face. You laughed. "Yeah don't worry, Benji just tried to scare us" "Oh okay, good night, we love you" they laughed and went back to sleep. "Okay Benji, now we are gonna go to sleep because its late" smiled Steve at Benji and kiss him on forehead. "Good night my love" said Steve to you and kissed you. "Good night, I love you." you said as you turned the lights off.

Next morning you woke up earlier so you decided to go living room to watch some TV. You wore biker shorts and hoodie. It was something around 6 am so you didn't expect that someone would be awake. But then Loki came to you. " Can we please talk?" he asked. "Ok but make it quick." "I'm sorry I was such a coward and pussy. I didn't mean to make you sad. I really want to make it right, afterall we were best friends and even family. Please let me fix this. I love you." he said. "Loki, you really didn't expect me to be sad after my favorite person in the universe left me on my birthday with three kids? I searched for you for one whole year. Everyone thought you were dead and so was our marriage. In every document, you are dead, so we are no longer married. I love you Loki but I can't forget what did you do and I have to do what's best for me and kids." you said and kissed him on cheek. "No, wait please! Don't go away! I need you in my life. Please!" "I'm sorry Loki, but I can't. I guess you don't need us when you left for almost 6 years." you said as kids came downstairs. "Good morning babies. How did you sleep?'' you asked them and took Benji into your arms. "Yeah we slept good mom. Is that our real Dad?" asked twins. "Yes it is." you sighted and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. You were cooking pancakes, meanwhile kids were talking to Loki. "Why did you left us?" asked twins. "Because I was scared that I would be bad father." he said very disappointingly. "Well you obviously are" said little Benji. All three then walked to kitchen.

Why did you have to do this Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now