Part 27.

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"no" you said with disappointment on your face. "awh babe, don't worry. That's okay. We're gonna try again." said Loki to calm you down. "I want to have you forever." said Loki. "It's not like I'm going anywhere honey. Wait! Are you doing what I am thinking you are about to do?" you asked. "Y/N, I want to have you by my side forever. I want to look into your sweet eyes everyday. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you. " he said as he kneeled down infront of you. "Y/N Stark, will you marry me?" "Oh my god! YES! Ofcourse I'll marry love of my life!" you squeaked. He gave the ring on your finger. It was beautiful. You kissed him. " You are so beautiful my future wifey." said Loki as he brushed your hair with his fingers. "I love you" you whispered in his ear.

Your phone started to ring when you and Loki were cuddling in your apartment. You picked up the phone. It was your dad:" Hi babygirl! What are you doing? Do you wanna maybe come to HQ to hang out? Or maybe stay for a few nights?" "Yeah sure we will come."

You arrived at HQ and unpacked your things. You came downstairs. "Hey Cherry!" exclaimed Nat. You sat next to others. "What's this?" asked Wanda and pointed on your finger. "Oh it's just gift from Loki" you said uncertainly. Loki overheard you and said:" An engagement gift". Everyone almost chocked. Loki sat next to you and took your hand in his. " Oh my! That's wonderful! Congrats!" Said every Avenger. "awh my little girl is gonna get married" said Tony and kissed you on forehead. "Thanks y'all. Everyone is welcomed on our wedding." you said and laughed. "Let's throw a party!! Y'all have one hour to get ready." shouted Clint.

Why did you have to do this Loki LaufeysonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt