Part 49.

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It was time to come back to New York. Your Dad send you private jet so you will be there faster. Everything went smoothly. Kids were sleeping whole time and you were talking.

"Hello my loves how have you been?" said Tony and twins quickly ran to him to hug him. "Hi dad! We have been amazing! I hope you haven't told Wanda about our surprise" you smiled and took Steve's hand in yours. "Ofcourse I haven't told anybody. Ok Pietro and your family come with me." said Tony and left with Pietro. You and Steve with twins walked back to compound to met everyone else. "We missed you so much guys! We have actually really good news! I'm pregnant and Bruce is now dating Nat!" screamed excitedly Pepper. "That's wonderful! I'm gonna have a sibling!" you said as you hugged Pepper. "Congrats Nat and Bruce" you hugged them both. Tony came into the room and said:" Me and Y/N here has surprise for all of you but I think mostly Wanda. Please follow us." You took Steve's hand and walked to the room were Pietro and his family was. "Ok I'm gonna open this door now. " said Tony as he opened thw door. As soon as Wanda saw her twin, she ran to him and hugged him. "Oh my god I can't believe I see you after all that time!" she cried. "I missed you too Wanda." said Pietro and hugged her even tighter. After while, they finally stopped hugging. "And who are those?" asked Wanda. "It's Natalie my wife and my twins Wanda and Alex. Family, this is my sister Wanda. And those other people saved my life more than once. I am really glad to be back." said Pietro with smile on his face. "I can't believe you named your daughter after me." said Wanda and hugged him again.

You and Pietro told everything to everyone meanwhile Steve was showing Natalie their room. "We're so sorry you had to go through this. We will definitely be aware of everything and we will keep everyone safe. " said Nat and Bruce hugged her from behind. " Thank you I really appreciate your kindness and I'm really glad I finally got to see you again." said Pietro and smiled. For rest of the day you just talked.

Why did you have to do this Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now