Part 50.

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Next morning you woke up super early because something wasn't right and you felt it. But you didn't mind and start making breakfast. After while Steve approached you. "Good morning babe" he said with morning voice. "You look so beautiful in the morning" he smiled at you and you blushed. "Why are you up so early?" asked you Steve. "Because I feel like something isn't right. I know I'm in building full of Avengers but still I am afraid. Breakfast will be ready." you said and smiled. "Relax, stress is not good for baby. I'll go to check on twins" said Steve and left.

Five minutes passed and Steve haven't returned yet. You went to check on them. In your room was Steve running around the room trying to find something. "What are you doing? Where are twins?" you asked when you saw him. "Uuh I'm just trying to find my uhh favourite T-shirt. And twins are still sleeping in their room." stammered Steve. "Are you okay?" you asked him and used your powers to find his T-shirt. "Yeah I'm fine" he said almost sweating. "Here you are. I'm gonna check on twins." you said and left the room. You quickly ran to twins room. They weren't there. Suddenly Pietro ran to you. "My twins disappeared. They aren't in this building. I searched everywhere." he almost cried. "What?! Mine aren't here either!" you screamed. You suddenly felt sharp pain in your belly. Steve heard you and quickly came. "Hey everything alright?" he asked. "No both twins are gone! We don't know where they are. We need to get Avengers together! Ok now we need to wake everyone up!" you said and ran out. You fell in the hall because of another sharp pain. Bruce heard that thud and quickly helped you get up. " Are you okay? What's happening?" asked Bruce. "No both twins - mine and Pietro's are missing and I.." you couldn't talk from pain. "We need to look for them. We need to call all Avengers!" you said. "Ok ok but come with me to the medical room. You are pregnant for gods sake!" said Bruce and told Nat to quickly call all Avengers into the meeting room.

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