Part 36.

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"Hello. Welcome to Asgard" welcomed you Heimdall. "Hello" you said back. "I expected you with your kids Loki. Nice to see you again." said Heimdall and Loki answered:" Thank you, it's nice to be back home."

You walked to the throne room where Frigga and Odin were. Twins were holding your hands. "Hello son, We're glad that we can meet our grandkids." said Odin. "Y/N and Lizzie, come with me. Boys will stay together. We will have girls day." said Frigga,smiled and took Lizzie's hand.

You were going to garden of Asgard. While you were walking, Frigga said:" Loki is so lucky to have you and twins. You also would be great queen." "Thank you, it means a lot to me. Loki is a wonderful man and these children are the best that could ever happened to two of us. " you said and put a smile on your face. After while walking in garden and playing on playground, Lizzie wanted to see the castle. So you walked back. After few steps Lizzie asked:" Mommy can you please take me? My legs hurt." You took her and she immediately fall asleep. "awh your kids are perfectly well behaved. Loki is incredibly lucky to have such a wise wife." said Frigga and hugged you.

You came back and Loki was carrying little Tony who was asleep as well. "They truly are twins" you laughed. Boys told you what they were doing. They were having wonderful time as well as you.

At the end of the day you came back to earth. You were really excited because tomorrow was your birthday. You could wait to spend it with your favorite people.

Why did you have to do this Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now