Part 30.

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After breakfast you went to shower. You were putting on your shorts and hoodie when you noticed black person. You came closer but the person attacked you. He shot your thigh. You quickly used your powers and he fainted. You didn't want to touch him so you used your power to get him into the bubble. The bubble was made by your powers so it was unbreakable and moved everywhere, where you go. You took him to living room where everyone was talking. "Hello guys, does anybody know this guy? He was in my room." you asked.  "Yes, we were trying to track him. He is wanted criminal in lots of countries." answered Nat. "Are you okay?" screamed Loki when he saw your injury. "Yeah it's just one shot. Don't worry I'll remove it" you said and with your powers you remove the bullet from your thigh. Everyone was amazed by your power and how calm you were. "That's my daughter" said Tony and smiled. "So where should I put him?" you asked. "Put him in the room that's in the basement and handcuff his hands. Then insert him into the unbreakable thing that looks like bottle." said Steve and everyone continued to talk. You did what Steve told you to do and returned to others.

Three weeks passed by and your period was two months late. You didn't even noticed. You and Loki were still at HQ. You took pregnancy test. While you waited, you thought:"I hope I'm pregnant this time. I really hope so." Then you looked at the test and called Loki. "Is everything okay?" he asked. You told him:

Why did you have to do this Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now